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1 decade ago by lucascaro

Hi all, I'm not sure if this is the right forum/place to ask, but I'm planning on making a game for the next global game jam in impactjs, and the only requirement is that I release the source for the game.
So is it possible / compatible with the license to make open source games using impactjs? Is there anything special I have to have in mind when uploading the source somewhere?
Basically, what should I do to release an open source game with impactjs in order to not break the license?


1 decade ago by stahlmanDesign

Good question. I think you could release the source code you program, but not the engine itself.

If someone has the engine (those of us that read this forum), then he could download your code and then use it.

This is how Dino Needs Love was treated at Game Jam.

They coded the game at a competition and put up the code for download. They just didn't include the impact folder. The code was really helpful to me. It showed me how to creatively use entities and trigger points, so I'm thankful for the policy that the code be open source at these events.

1 decade ago by fugufish

second that. bake, then remove the impact lib folder and weltmeister

1 decade ago by Arantor

Just to clarify something: if you bake, you build a single .js file that includes all of Impact's core code (just not WM) in a minified but not exactly obfuscated form, which is why you don't have to include any file other than your single min.js file at that point.

I think how you'd have to do it would be to have the 'visible' version be baked, but the download version be without the lib/impact and WM folders, so that you physically prepare two separate bundles to work with.

1 decade ago by fugufish

@Arantor exactly
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