
7 Posts, registered 10 years ago


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7 years ago in Plugin for loading HiDPI Assets:

ImpactJS plugin to load HiDPI media assets for devices with a Device Pixel Rati…

9 years ago in Mobile canvas text inputs:

if using Ejecta you can use the api below to get user entered text. ## var …

9 years ago in Stuttering entities:

Replace update method with below ## update: function() { this.pos.x = this.po…

9 years ago in Updating animations in weltmeister:

Had this problem a while back. I believe adding ## this.currentAnim.flip…

10 years ago in Using the EntityPool with inheritance:

I have just dived into the source code and it turns out an entity will indeed i…

10 years ago in EntityPlayer toggle collides ACTIVE when collideWith is 'y', PASSIVE when x:

In your EntityPlayer update method add this at the top before calling this.pare…

10 years ago in Using the EntityPool with inheritance:

An entity will not inherit object pooling from the entity it extends. You w…