
7 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Weltmeister plugins - setting a standard.:

Actually, thinking toward the future would be considering the usage of decorato…

1 decade ago in Adding some cajones to Box2D for Impact:

Slope support is tough. I started trying to build my own bridge for Box2d as we…

1 decade ago in KVO Class for Impact:

""_Quote from drhayes_ [ Have you s…

1 decade ago in KVO Class for Impact:

I got a little ahead of myself in my Readme. At this moment, I'm pretty su…

1 decade ago in KVO Class for Impact:

I created a KVO (key-value observance) class for Impact that has robust DOM int…

1 decade ago in New bezier library for Impact:

Hey all, I'm working on a shmup, and I couldn't find a good bezier…

1 decade ago in Adding some cajones to Box2D for Impact:

Hey fellow impacters. I'm currently working on making a stronger Box2d …