
7 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in BLOB, my Ludum Dare #26-entry:

Updated the name and the link, as I've made an updated version of the game…

1 decade ago in Loader stalls on ig.Sound for music file:

Line 190 in lib/impact/sound.js can be wrapped in a try { } catch(err) {} - tha…

1 decade ago in Loader stalls on ig.Sound for music file:

This seems to be a problem for my users as well, but reloading seems to solve t…

1 decade ago in BLOB, my Ludum Dare #26-entry:

I am aware of that option, and it looks interesting. But since I don't …

1 decade ago in BLOB, my Ludum Dare #26-entry:

I'm glad you liked it :) The CSS-transforms was an idea I stole from th…

1 decade ago in BLOB, my Ludum Dare #26-entry:

The rotation is implemented by just rotating the canvas with jquery. Simple CS…

1 decade ago in BLOB, my Ludum Dare #26-entry:

I made an action/puzzler using Impact. It is the first game I've made usi…