
12 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Elliot Quest:

Your hit-boxes are too big - it makes it hard to jump over enemies. You can use…

1 decade ago in "Best Practice" says a function should perform only a single task, so...:

A well written function should have a single responsibility. This is of course …

1 decade ago in Why do my entity not bounce back when hitting collision layer?:

I suspect that in your update function, you are setting the velocity of the ent…

1 decade ago in Flip on axis:

That's exactly what I needed! Thanks!

1 decade ago in Flip on axis:

Thinking about this more - I guess my real question is, how do I deal with enti…

1 decade ago in Querying entities by position:

Apologies for the delay in replying, life took over! Thank you all for your res…

1 decade ago in Basic enemy entity?:

One thing that might be good is to have invisible void entities, and then to se…

1 decade ago in Flip on axis:

I have an animation of my entity attacking, and I'm trying to figure out h…

1 decade ago in Jump Tuner:

I found this nifty utility, I thought others might find it useful. It's a …

1 decade ago in "Las Aventuras de Bongo" (The Adventures of Bongo) now in the App Store!:

Congratulations on shipping! Your game looks very well made, I hope that it…

1 decade ago in Querying entities by position:

I'm implementing doors in my game, and the logic is basically "if the…

1 decade ago in Gravity:

Gameplay wise, I like it a lot - controls well, and is a good balance between c…