
42 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in having a problem with passed variables not retaining their value and resulting in NaN value:

Sorry for the long post, but i wanted to be as detailed as possible So i'…

1 decade ago in calling ClassB from ClassA in a plugin - ClassB is not defined error:

nope ClassB was defined as: ## ClassB: ... ## instead of: ## ClassB …

1 decade ago in calling ClassB from ClassA in a plugin - ClassB is not defined error:

disregard i found the mistake.

1 decade ago in Quick question regarding properties of objects:

can you show some more code? it's difficult to determine cause without the…

1 decade ago in calling ClassB from ClassA in a plugin - ClassB is not defined error:

So i am trying to call ClassB from ClassA in a plugin I'm writing, here�…

1 decade ago in drawing to ig.system.context works when ig.Class.extend({}) not when ig.Entity.extend({}):

@drhayes: I tried logging the positions of all the entities and they are spawni…

1 decade ago in drawing to ig.system.context works when ig.Class.extend({}) not when ig.Entity.extend({}):

So i have an entity with objects/entities being spawned when the first is creat…

1 decade ago in [Blob Physics] Trying to port BlobSallad to an ImpactJS plugin... need some help:

awesome!! i got the blobs showing up and moving around the screen now all i nee…

1 decade ago in [Blob Physics] Trying to port BlobSallad to an ImpactJS plugin... need some help:

Thanks, I didn't think of that. But I think I'm picking up what your …

1 decade ago in Box2D game get the error: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function:

I am attempting to use box2d to create a soft-body blob. I found this tutorial …

1 decade ago in [Blob Physics] Trying to port BlobSallad to an ImpactJS plugin... need some help:

So i am trying to port the [ BlobSallad] library into …

1 decade ago in Impact freezing on load resources no errors thrown:

I am using this button plugin ([ ButtonPl…

1 decade ago in Ejecta Error:

I have this #main.js#: ## ig.module("game.main").requires("impa…

1 decade ago in Atomos Redux - Senior Capstone [WIP...kinda] - BETA Testers Needed!:

In light of the multiple requests I've gotten about the username/password …

1 decade ago in Atomos Redux - Senior Capstone [WIP...kinda] - BETA Testers Needed!:

A question to those who have tested the game, are you finishing any levels or j…

1 decade ago in Atomos Redux - Senior Capstone [WIP...kinda] - BETA Testers Needed!:

So this is the first game that I've written with Impact, and I must say th…

1 decade ago in Best way to include external JSON files in namespace?:

I agree with Jaha, it does seem a little hacky messing with prototype, to have …

1 decade ago in The best way to package impact games for different platforms.:

i'd be interested in how much work it was to turn a browser impact game in…

1 decade ago in accessing ig at a global level:

Nevermind i figured it out I was using the console in iframe mode which cuts of…

1 decade ago in accessing ig at a global level:

I am trying to, in the external .js file i have a variable #var atom = { os: ig…

1 decade ago in accessing ig at a global level:

I was wondering how i would go about passing the current ig or namespac…

1 decade ago in collision map that only effects certain enetities:

does anyone have any idea how i would go about implementing a secondary collisi…

1 decade ago in PersistantData Plugin:

""_Quote from mimik_ Hey nicely done! No more lazy global vars ;-)&…

1 decade ago in PersistantData Plugin:

yeah no problem. basically i created it because i needed a way to maintain a se…

1 decade ago in PersistantData Plugin:

*ImpactJS-Plugins by Joe Rice* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * …

1 decade ago in Plugin: Make your entities mouse sensetive to the nearest pixel:

Can't seem to get this plugin to work. i keep getting this error: ## Uncau…

1 decade ago in jQuery and Ejecta - jQuery not loading properly:

oh okay, with no DOM in Ejecta it does makes sense that it wouldn't load. …

1 decade ago in jQuery and Ejecta - jQuery not loading properly:

I am trying to use the jGestures jQuery plugin in a project i'm working on…

1 decade ago in Using jQuery with Ejecta - jQuery not loading properly:

I am trying to use the jGestures jQuery plugin in a project i'm working on…

1 decade ago in WordWrapper - an auto word-wrapping plugin for any user defined font:

So I needed a simple solution to word-wrap text for my Senior Capstone Project …