
Posts tagged with “Random Thoughts”

Meet me at Google IO

As some of you may already have heard via Twitter or IRC, I'll be at Google IO on May 10-11. The awesome Seth Ladd, Developer Advocate at Google, actually organized a small both for Impact in the Developer Sandbox Area, so I shouldn't be too hard to find. If you were lucky enough to get one of the tickets for IO, please stop by – I'd love to talk to you!

After IO I'll be traveling around the country with some friends for two weeks, so please bear with me if it takes a while till I answer my email or respond in the forums. I'll try to be online at least once a day! I'm back home again at the 24th of May.

Friday, May 6th 2011 / Tags: Random Thoughts

Impact is Now Ready!

It has been some time since I showed my game Biolab Disaster to the world. I knew I still had a lot of work ahead if I want to release the engine behind the game – I just didn't know it was that much.

You can read a bit more about the entire process and my decision to sell Impact, rather than releasing it for free, on my personal Blog.

The work for me is far from over, though. I still have a list of Video Tutorials I want to do and of course new features I want to add to the Engine.

This Blog will keep you informed about new releases, bugfixes, new tutorials, resources and everything else going on with Impact.

Monday, December 20th 2010 / Tags: Random Thoughts, Releases

Finishing touches...

There's still some stuff on my pre-launch To-Do list, but I'm confident now that I can finish everything up till Monday. You will see rough edges here and there, but overall it should work. It being not only the Game Engine itself, but this very website.

Setback of the day: Finding out that merchant accounts for Google Checkout are only available in the US and UK. That means I'm stuck with PayPal only – I hate it as much as you do. Sorry.

Friday, December 17th 2010 / Tags: Random Thoughts