1 decade ago by Warspawn
Here is a star field background class I made. It uses the context to draw the stars dynamically. gist
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// main.js ig.module('game.main') .requires( 'impact.debug.debug', 'impact.game', 'game.starfield' ) .defines(function() { SpaceBlasterGame = ig.Game.extend({ version: '1.0', font: new ig.Font( 'media/04b03.font.png' ), init: function() { this.backgroundMaps.push( new Starfield(250, {vel: {x: 0, y: 100}}), new Starfield(150, {vel: {x: 0, y: 200}}), new Starfield(550, {vel: {x: 0, y: 20}}) ); }, update: function() { this.parent(); for(var i=0;i<this.backgroundMaps.length;i++) { if(this.backgroundMaps[i].update) { this.backgroundMaps[i].update(); } } }, draw: function() { this.parent(); this.font.draw( 'Version: ' + this.version, 8, ig.system.height - 8, ig.Font.ALIGN.LEFT ); } }); ig.main('#canvas', SpaceBlasterGame, 60, 600, 800, 1); });
Quote from Warspawn
is the Entity prefix some sort of required naming convention that WM looks for or something? I'm new to ImpactJS and don't know.
. But since it&039;s not an entity, but rather a #backgroundMap
, don't worry about it.