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1 decade ago by Philip


last week I participated in 7dfps and did this:

It's far away from a game, but I wanted to have a nice ray casting engine for impact and so I concentrated a bit more on this part. When i'll clean up the code and get some more issues out, i'll release this as a plugin.

1 decade ago by Graphikos

Really cool... so is this using any WebGL or is it all just software?

...and ZOMG... chrome has a pointer lock in the works?! I still wish when going fullscreen (using the API that asks for permission) we'd have the ability to turn off the "To exit..." message. After all we have permission why not let the developer turn that off if they choose. Would be much better for games.

Looking forward to the plugin!

1 decade ago by alexandre

This is really good. An impact map into a pseudo 3D env?! Can you provide a high-level explanation of how you pulled that off? Congratulations. Plugin of the month, if and when.

1 decade ago by Philip

No WebGL, just plain Canvas 2D.

I just altered the drawing method, the rest is normal impact stuff. So you can us weltmeister to make maps and the stuff you do in the update method of entities like collision is the same as in a 2D environment.

This works best in chrome. Firefox and Opera have some performance issues and safari no pointer lock api. The pointer lock api in general is experimental, I had to change the settings to always allow, cause the permission dialog doesn't work in combination with the fullscreen permission dialog. And you can only activate pointer lock in fullscreen. But besides that, it works great.

How I do it? For every visible x coordinate on the the screen, I cast a ray and look what it hits and how far away it is. From that I can calculate the height of the object and display it accordingly.

Better explanations here:

1 decade ago by alexandre

Thanks for the links,Philip. Would love to see the plugin, if at all possible. Possibilities are endless.

1 decade ago by Philip

Had some spare time this evening and cleaned up the code:

1 decade ago by Gamma

The game is amazing Phillip, but I would like to make a recommendation. The current keys for moving the character seem a bit difficult to get the hang of. I have a comfortable set up that you could replace your keys with if you would like to.

SPACE: Shoot
A: Look left
D: Look Right
Arrow keys to move forward, backwards, left and right.

This set up if I were to test it would be much more comfortable.

P.S That "Ben" user on your comment section under game presentation page, was rude about the controls, he could have at least gave you a suggestion to change it politely, some people display harsh behavior on the's as if they have two split personalities, one in reality and one in the interwebs.

1 decade ago by alexandre

...some people display harsh behavior on the's as if they have two split personalities, one in reality and one in the interwebs.
Anonymity and distance, and their absence of consequences, liberates the frustrated and insecure, transforming them into the brash and fearless.

Agreed about the controls, it's hard to get the hang of them. Easier to separate hands for control of movement and orientation. Left hand too busy otherwise.

1 decade ago by Philip

My main focus was on using the game with a mouse. I never really tried to play the game with keyboard only. But you are right, your setup sounds better. I will consider this in the future.
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