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Hello everyone !
I'm new in ImpactJS and on this community, but I want to say sorry if my english is not great (I'm french).
I've just started to work on ImpactJS & few days ago and I would like to share what I did with you guys.
Video URL :
On this video you'll find the work that I did, it's basically just loading a simple map with multiple players, and players can move around (no players limit).
Please tell me what you think and if you have any ideas/suggestions, i'm in :).
Thank you very much for the time that you've spend on this thread :)
9 years ago
by copman
This looks already impressive, i would say you can make a great game out of this!
Quote from copman
This looks already impressive, i would say you can make a great game out of this!
Thank you very much man :)
9 years ago
by Joncom
Nicely done.
Thanks dude ! Let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions. Could actually help :)
9 years ago
by Joncom
Minor "bug report". I think I noticed that if player A is facing down, and then player B joins the game, player A is still facing down on his own screen, but is facing up on player B's screen. Not a big deal, but just thought I'd mention it.
Thank you Joncom ! I'll try to work on that for sure. The thing is i'm trying to keep the sending/reception packets from/to the server as light as possible, so less informations I send to the server, better he'll be :)
By the way guys, I've just worked all the weekend on that and I'll send you a demo link/or video url to see all the changes that I did !
Hey guys ! Like I told you here are the new updates :
It's mostly only graphic, but i've also updated the network to use a "movements prediction" trick. The server is now hosted on a VPS and works well. If you want to try it just let me know :)
9 years ago
by Joncom
Quote from RedStarZOn
i've also updated the network to use a "movements prediction" trick.
Nice, you're doing
client-side prediction?
I'm a little curious, how are you sending updates to and from the server? Are you sending periodic snapshots and then interpolating between them?
If you want to try it just let me know :)
I'd love to try it out too!
Hey guys !
Just sent you a private message for the link. Just let me know if you have any feedbacks, could be really helpful.
@Joncom Yeah, a kind of that. I still need to calculate the interpolation and I'm fighting with that but the network seems to works ok for now, so I will see. But if you have any suggestions, I'm in :)
@AndrewMast PM sent for you aswell :)
9 years ago
by Joncom
Hmm. Didn't receive any message. Checked spam folder and everything.
@Joncom, weird I used the PM messages system from ImpactJS. I saw that you added me on Twitter, I send you a private message on twitter right now :)
Hey guys, just let you know that i'm still working on the project and it's going well. I added level map changes, optimised the network and i'll add Login/Registration Features soon. I'll let you know about any changes here. :)
9 years ago
by Joncom
Would be sweet if there was a public play-URL where people could try it and watch for new features :)
Hey Joncom ! For sure i'll put a public link at the end of the week or next week to show you the changes :) Still need to work on some stuff before doing that
8 years ago
by Kurath
Hey is there any chance someone could post the code?(PM,download link ect.)
It would be really nice to how you did this i'm currently at a similiar project but had some problems with nodejs.
Greets Kurath
edit: RedStarzOn seems not that active if some of the others could do me that favor would be rly nice (btw sry for the bad english ^^)
8 years ago
by Joncom
You should be able to reach him by email if you visit his profile page.
8 years ago
by Kurath
Right ...didn't see that^^
hopefully i get an answer
8 years ago
by Kurath
doesn't react to my mails...
does anybody have his code left and can send me this?
8 years ago
by Joncom
I don't have it, however, if you're just trying to get a feel for networked programming, maybe this project can help.
8 years ago
by Kurath
Thanks, i tried it but all i've got was this error in the terminal:
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'canvas'
don't know if its because of the nodejs stuff...any idea?
8 years ago
by Joncom
Error: Cannot find module 'canvas'
You need to install the project dependencies.
From command line, open the project folder, and then run "
npm install
8 years ago
by Kurath
it seems that i've got a few problems with nodejs.
So just a little discribtion of my project to show the problem...
I started a Raspberry pi and connected via ssh so far so good.check.
Next i'm installing a compiled version of node to my raspberry and loading your files to ../home/pi/gib. double check.
through PuTTy i go in to the folder of gib and execute sudo npm install.
And here starts the problem i can't install the canvas module in to the node_modules folder i don't know why.
So at the begining i was fascinated by node but...currently i just hate this thing...
Had anyone of you the same situation/issues
And can someone help i don't know what i can do i'm sitting here for about 3 days and tried everything to get working...but as you can read...
yeah help is welcome
Greez Kurath
8 years ago
by Joncom
Hi Kurath.
Please make a new thread since your issue no longer seems related to RedStarZOn's project.
Maybe call it "Trouble executing... npm install".
Make sure to include screenshots, or a text-dump of everything that happens in the console when you try to run the command, because it's difficult for us to know what went wrong without this information.
8 years ago
by Kurath
you're right.
I made a new thread would be glad if you could have a look at it.
Hey guys,
After few months i'm back for some updates. Sorry about that by the way, I've took time before coming back, got lot of stuff to do unfortunately.
Just a quick update showing you the maps teleports & transitions system :
Also I've been working on lot of stuff that aren't on the screen (like a chat system with dialog bubbles above each players, chat messages & input, zIndex entities update to prevent players overlapping other players (sorry guys it's a bit late so my english is a bit broken at the moment, hope you'll understand what I'm trying to explain), cleaned the code a lot, etc.)
And about the code @Kurath, I'm unfortunately not going to share it for the moment, I'll certainly do it later, but not for now. Want to improve it a lot before sharing this with other people.
Anyway, i'll try to come back as soon as I can with some news, but with my work and other stuff that I have to do, it's not always easy to get time to work on my game. Also, even if i'm not giving lot of news, this doesn't mean that i'm losing motivation or that i'll not work on the game, so I'll always come back :)
Have a nice day/night everyone and see you soon ! :)
This is looking really nice! Good job so far.
Thank you for your feedback Fugufish, i'll work on the login screen soon and let you know guys :)
It looks fabulous! Keep up the good work!
By the way, I love the smooth zoom effect, you did it from scratch?