1 decade ago by Tradekan
Hey, new guy here... I know I can get the length and angle that one entity is from another, but is it possible to tell if there is an entity directly between the two?
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and EntityB
.// returns wether (x,y) point is within ( (x1,y1); (x2,y2) ) segment // and nearer than maxDistance. function isWithin(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, maxDistance) { var A = x - x1; var B = y - y1; var C = x2 - x1; var D = y2 - y1; var dot = A * C + B * D; var len_sq = C * C + D * D; var param = dot / len_sq; if ( (param < 0) || (param >1) ) return false; var xx, yy; xx = x1 + param * C; yy = y1 + param * D; return (sq(x-xx)+ sq(y-yy)) < sq(maxDistance); } function sq(x) {return x*x }