
This forum is read only and just serves as an archive. If you have any questions, please post them on

1 decade ago by iceteacqx

if I pay the money ,Can I get the full API document..
Do you give us technical support

1 decade ago by fugufish

technical support *is the forums

full API docs you can already access as a non-paid user

1 decade ago by Arantor

The reasons for paying are:
* legal use of the tool for as many games as you want
* awesome level editor tool
* access to source for multiple demo games explaining various things
* access to the minimalist iOSImpact tool for building on iOS

1 decade ago by jhoyle

Quote from Arantor
The reasons for paying are:
* legal use of the tool for as many games as you want
* awesome level editor tool
* access to source for multiple demo games explaining various things
* access to the minimalist iOSImpact tool for building on iOS

*Cross-platform compatibility
*Robust game engine
*It's really easy to get started with (good tutorials)

1 decade ago by Arantor

I was deliberately not covering those, since they're covered even if you 'acquire' it from the XDK (even with getting the paid XDK and not paying for it, you get access to the Impact engine source indirectly, plus it's not impossible to get the source out of the publicly visible Impact games)

The above points are only legally available directly from purchase.

1 decade ago by alexandre

*If you aspire to become an indie, knowledge that you supported one.

1 decade ago by Arantor

Quote from alexandre
*If you aspire to be come an indie, knowledge that you supported one.

I'll have to remember that quote in future! ^_^

1 decade ago by AndrewBGM

I was looking at Impact for about 3 days and the Biolab Disaster game really impressed me, so I bought it! I'm still wrapping my head around it but it's definitely worth the $49.99, especially in this time of epic sales!

1 decade ago by jhoyle

Quote from Arantor
I was deliberately not covering those, since they're covered even if you 'acquire' it from the XDK (even with getting the paid XDK and not paying for it, you get access to the Impact engine source indirectly, plus it's not impossible to get the source out of the publicly visible Impact games)

The above points are only legally available directly from purchase.

Oops :-S. Still, it's well worth the $49 though!

1 decade ago by Jerczu

ITS $49!!!

This should be enough of a reason...

I paid $99 and it was worth it...
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