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1 decade ago by kurisukun

I am not using Weistmeister to place my EntityPlayer on the map. Instead, I am spawning my player programatically when the main.js loads via a call. This works fine with the level that the game starts on.

However, if I load a new level with loadLevelDeferred() call, no EntityPlayer is on the map. I need to spawn the EntityPlayer again on the new map after it has loaded -- how can I do this programatically without Weistmeister? Thank you.

1 decade ago by TommyBs

After you've made your call to loadLevel call the method passing in an instance of your player and the x,y pos. Or am I missing something here? Do you have some code you can share;,0,0);

1 decade ago by kurisukun

Hi, in my main.js, I have overridden loadLevel as such:

loadLevel: function( data ) {

// Call the original implementation. This loads the level
this.parent( data );

// Do your own processing here...
this.spawnEntity( EntityPlayer, 100, 50 );

I think that it might be the EntityLevelexit class that I wrote that is weird. I wrote an EntityLevelexit class that I placed into Weistmeister to check when a EntityPlayer collided with it and then call the loadLevelDeferred().

This is part of the code below (I am using Impact++ as well):

"use strict";

var _c = ig.CONFIG;
var _ut = ig.utils;

ig.EntityLevelexit = = ig.EntityLevelchange.extend({

size: {x: 8, y: 8},

check: function( entity ) {

if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer){
if( this.level ) {
console.log("level change");
var levelName = this.level.replace(/^(Level)?(\w)(\w*)/, function( m, l, a, b ) {
return a.toUpperCase() + b;
});['LevelTest2'] );
currentLevel = "LevelTest2";
console.log("level not defined");



1 decade ago by kurisukun

Oops, sorry, I didnt format the code :(

But basically after putting in some console.log calls, I can see the loadLevel callback in the main.js and the EntityLevelexit check being called infinitely in a loop...
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