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1 decade ago by Yojimbo

I created a main menu, but it's a separate game class from the actual game class. For development purposes, I'm just keeping it as a simple level select menu, but right now I have it so when you select a level, it will set a variable that's a scope above both classes, and the new game will load the level based on that variable.

I want to remove that variable and be able to pass an initial level to load to the actual game as it's initializing. Without changing Impact's code, is there a way I can do this that's already built in?


        //Derp stuff derp
    .defines(function () {

        var levelToLoad = null;
        // These are two actions that are defined 
        // for the buttons that are both on the main menu
        // as well as the in-game menu for loading other levels.
        var actBtnCityScape = function(){
            levelToLoad = LevelFirstdraft;
            if(this.highlighted) {
        var actBtnAnimEx = function() {
            levelToLoad = LevelAnimationexamples;
            if(this.highlighted) {

        var MainMenu = ig.Game.extend({

            update: function() {
                // Update all entities and backgroundMaps
                // Update the GUI Master

                /* My 'GUI Master' is what handles which level is being 
                selected and passes that to the 'levelToLoad' variable above.  
                All the other drawing and init jazz is in there */

        var MyGame = ig.Box2DGame.extend({
        //... stuff ...
            init: function () {
                Box2D.SCALE = 0.05;
                // Initial Level/Screen Load
        //... Other stuff ...

Could I instantiate the game object, give it a new property of `levelToLoad` and pass it along?

Edit: Hmm... Well, I modified the prototype for the game:

MyGame.prototype._levelToLoad = LevelFirstdraft;

And that's how I'm handling it at the moment. I still feel like it's inappropriate to rely on modifying the prototype, though. I guess it doesn't matter too much, since it's only for development right now.

1 decade ago by Joncom

I was about to suggest modifying the prototype, but I see you are already doing so. There's nothing wrong with that.

1 decade ago by vincentpiel

Most easy way is to have your namespace, in which you put all your shared stuff :

    window.superJumper = { } ;

    superJumper.level    = 0 ; = 200 ;       = 3 ;

So you can read or write any value from anywhere in your code

Rq : you might first initialize the values with stored values (in localStorage or coockie, or using file API, or from a server).
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