1 decade ago by congwang0517
I think the event in update() is inefficient. Because user may triger a event infrequent especially in non-action game. But the update() run continuously.
I see the pong example. It also set the catch event function in update()
I think event is a moment thing , when triger a event that change the entity's state instead of using update() to catch a lot of vacant event . Because the update() is used in setInterval may run the function 1000 times by 1 second.So the catch event should not put in update function.
But i don't know how to use the event efficiently.
I see the pong example. It also set the catch event function in update()
update: function() { if( ig.input.state('up') ) { this.vel.y = -100; } else if( ig.input.state('down') ) { this.vel.y = 100; } else { this.vel.y = 0 } this.parent(); }
I think event is a moment thing , when triger a event that change the entity's state instead of using update() to catch a lot of vacant event . Because the update() is used in setInterval may run the function 1000 times by 1 second.So the catch event should not put in update function.
But i don't know how to use the event efficiently.