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1 decade ago by dotty

Hay, i've been through the video tutorials and i'm quite happy with the looks of everything. However, i'm planning on making a sidescrolling shooter (how original).

How would i go about making a sloped incline? I'm thinking of steps to go from one platform to another. Does anyone have any advice on this, or any videos showing off how it's done.

1 decade ago by paste120

I'm rather new to this engine but from what I've found you'll either have to,
A) Make a smaller grid of blocks and in code make you step up a little when colliding at either side or
B) Edit the engine to add another block, which technically would be a triangle. You would have to modify how the collision map is generated. Add some special exception for your block type.
I would attempt B and if that doesn't go well there's always smaller grid .. but then the entire grid is smaller so that's kind of a pain.

This link may be of some help.

1 decade ago by Hareesun

Dominic has confirmed this is planned for the next release (1.19 I think?)

1 decade ago by dominic

Yep, I'm working on slopes for the next version. I'm trying to do it in a fairly general matter: it essentially allows collision with arbitrary line segments, instead of just providing 45° angles.

If you just need those 45° angles now, have a look at how it can be done with the Flixel engine - especially the This is ActionScript, but the essential solveCollisionSlope* methods should be a good starting point.

Again, Impact will support slopes in version 1.19, but I can't promise a release date yet. I'm quite busy these days preparing my talks for the Future of Mobile and onGameStart conferences.
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