1 decade ago
by dotty
Hay, i've been through the video tutorials and i'm quite happy with the looks of everything. However, i'm planning on making a sidescrolling shooter (how original).
How would i go about making a sloped incline? I'm thinking of steps to go from one platform to another. Does anyone have any advice on this, or any videos showing off how it's done.
I'm rather new to this engine but from what I've found you'll either have to,
A) Make a smaller grid of blocks and in code make you step up a little when colliding at either side or
B) Edit the engine to add another block, which technically would be a triangle. You would have to modify how the collision map is generated. Add some special exception for your block type.
I would attempt B and if that doesn't go well there's always smaller grid .. but then the entire grid is smaller so that's kind of a pain.
This link may be of some help.
Dominic has confirmed this is planned for the next release (1.19 I think?)
1 decade ago
by dominic
Yep, I'm working on slopes for the next version. I'm trying to do it in a fairly general matter: it essentially allows collision with arbitrary line segments, instead of just providing 45° angles.
If you just need those 45° angles now, have a look at how it can be done
with the Flixel engine - especially the
FlxTilemapExt.as. This is ActionScript, but the essential
methods should be a good starting point.
Again, Impact will support slopes in version 1.19, but I can't promise a release date yet. I'm quite busy these days preparing my talks for the
Future of Mobile and
onGameStart conferences.
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