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1 decade ago by Manic

I recently stumbled across Impact++, which has a ton of cool features (namely pathfinding and dynamic lighting) that I'm excited to implement into future games. What are some other plugins and libraries that newcomers to the ImpactJS community should take a look at?

1 decade ago by Joncom

Shameless self plug... I think my font improvement plugin is pretty useful.

drhayes' event chain plugin is useful for creating any AI or keeping your logic relatively sane.

Another self plug... I haven't seen a simpler/easier-to-use Box2D implementation yet than this.

If you're interested in rogue-likes, this fog of war plugin is pretty solid.

Pausing your game might be an interesting subject.

If you like Pokemon games, this will show you how to achieve the same movement effect.

Here's an old but good tutorial on making an MMO in ImpactJS.
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