
11 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Impact 2.0 release date?:

I wouldn't mind paying again for 2.0, but like many people here I am a bit…

1 decade ago in Millions of Zombies:

Technically there is an infinite number of items because they are procedurally …

1 decade ago in Millions of Zombies:

Seeders : you can just use a fake email/password, I don't verify it for no…

1 decade ago in Millions of Zombies:

Hi Corey, good point about minifying. I used SoundJS with the WebAudio and Html…

1 decade ago in Millions of Zombies:

Hey guys, here is first public version of my game : http://www.millionsofzombi…

1 decade ago in Ejecta & my usage of HTML Overlays:

From what I read of Ejecta, you need to run a pure ImpactJs game for it to work…

1 decade ago in First Render Hiccup:

Yep I'm having same issue in Chrome as well. In IE10 seems fine. I guess I…

1 decade ago in Font problem in Windows 8 IE10 - Surface RT:

Hey Dominic, this font works perfectly on IE10 RT!…

1 decade ago in Font problem in Windows 8 IE10 - Surface RT:

Hi Dominic, thank for your time on this matter. I have just tested your testfon…

1 decade ago in Font problem in Windows 8 IE10 - Surface RT:

I just tested a bunch of other impacts games on my surface and they all have an…

1 decade ago in Font problem in Windows 8 IE10 - Surface RT:

Hello, I'm having a big issue with impactjs on Windows 8 RT. Basically …