
30 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Secure code?:

@MDicksonJr - so you didn't need to use the bake script at all, just put i…

1 decade ago in Sound files being requested multiple times? Bug?:

Thanks Krisjet and Svenanders. Svenanders: That sounds interesting - please …

1 decade ago in Sound files being requested multiple times? Bug?:

I've noticed that in chrome, my ogg files are being requested multiple tim…

1 decade ago in Google Closure Compiler - ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS results in error:

Has anyone been able to get the Google Closure Compiler to work with impact and…

1 decade ago in Weird FPS issue:

@tenix - I have been experiencing exactly the same thing. This is one of the w…

1 decade ago in Where can I put Global Variables?:

@mmaxwell - but is just an alias of window, so it wont help with nam…

1 decade ago in Character walking even when Tab is swiched.:

Just wanted to +1 that this was an issue for us too.

1 decade ago in On the fence about ImpactJs, have a few questions before deciding:

If I was creating an HTML5 card game, I would probably use the DOM, not canvas.…

1 decade ago in key.state not recognizing:

Hmm, probably my fault - please ignore for now.

1 decade ago in key.state not recognizing:

I am having the same issue (seems to affect input.state only, not input.pressed…

1 decade ago in Sound issues in Chrome (no concurrent sounds):

Yep, was chome bug. Fixed now in 21.0.1180.75.

1 decade ago in Sound issues in Chrome (no concurrent sounds):

Looks like it might be this chrome bug:…

1 decade ago in Sound issues in Chrome (no concurrent sounds):

Just tried biolab disaster at and it seems to suffer fro…

1 decade ago in Sound issues in Chrome (no concurrent sounds):

This is something that has only recently started happening for me, so I don…

1 decade ago in How to stop the game loop?:

That's what I was looking for, thanks KenD.

1 decade ago in How to stop the game loop?:

How do you go about stopping the game loop? (E.g. when wanting to stop the gam…

1 decade ago in Sliding off the slope speed:

@erfuller - I have exactly the same issue. Would love to know if someone has a…

1 decade ago in .lastSlope and custom tile types.:

Please ignore - I was making a dumb mistake.

1 decade ago in .lastSlope and custom tile types.:

I'm intrigued by the new property .lastSlope in 1.20, but am not clear on …

1 decade ago in Adding tasks to the preloader...:

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

1 decade ago in Adding tasks to the preloader...:

Is there any recommended way to add custom tasks to the preloader? I've…

1 decade ago in Trampoline (tile? entity?):

(all three of you I mean!)

1 decade ago in Trampoline (tile? entity?):

Thanks both of you. So the consensus so far seems to be that entities are the …

1 decade ago in Trampoline (tile? entity?):

Hi, Sorry for the barrage of questions recently - they've all been base…

1 decade ago in Custom 'full collision' collision tiles.:

@Quidmonkey - ok, thanks @stahlmanDesign - thank you, I'll take a close…

1 decade ago in Custom 'full collision' collision tiles.:

Oh right. I don't know if I have access to that. I recently purchased li…

1 decade ago in Detecting static (tile) y collision when walking:

Hi, I'm detecting y collisions with tiles (to check what the player is …

1 decade ago in Custom 'full collision' collision tiles.:

I would like to create a custom collision type, so that I can detect that the p…

1 decade ago in Background tiles without tilesheet?:

I have one more question regarding background tiles. From what I can see in th…

1 decade ago in Resource loading:

Hi, I'm talking a look at Impact for the first time, and just have a co…