
17 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

9 years ago in TwoPointFive: looking to have camera-locked (HUD-like) elements using Entities:

TPF has a built-in tpf.HudTile for drawing static elements, and that's gre…

9 years ago in Creating Menus & Buttons In-Canvas?:

This might be a necro, but is there any chance you would be able to release som…

9 years ago in Modifying single map tiles (TPF + Impact):

Has there been any progress with this? Using the following code updates a coll…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Very cool, can confirm it's [ certai…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Oh I had scaled it up thinking the tilesize was the issue with regard to the vi…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Wow, thanks for this very thorough response! Fascinating to know these obscu…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Good call, just sent him a tweet. Here's hoping it's a simple fix

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Just a bump, and sorry for triple post (not sure of the ettiquette for calling …

9 years ago in TwoPointFive Tile Based movement?:

Thanks for taking a look at this, IAmSpencer! Jumping around has become a cons…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

I have found that this visual anomaly exists in the code of the demo itself, bu…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

That's a good option, I am still new to the intricacies of Git and hadn�…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive Tile Based movement?:

Anyone try to apply tile-based movement similar to the code in the below thread…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Unfortunately I haven't made enough smaller commits for that to be helpful…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

It happens in Chrome and Firefox, yes. Strangely it doesn't happen in IE,…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive seams showing up?:

Hello all, I've started making a test TwoPointFive game using the include…

9 years ago in ImpactJS developers on Twitter?:

@NoelQuiles and my team's Twitter-in-progress, @SilentGraveStud

9 years ago in 7DFPS with TwoPointFive Plugin:

You have source for this? I played it and would love to take a look through yo…