
10 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Animating lines connecting 2 entities:

Graphikos can you show how to integrate paperjs with impact

1 decade ago in Mangu on Facebook:

@quidmonkey you need user permissions to perform api calls, when user gives per…

1 decade ago in Mangu on Facebook:

@quidmonkey yes we use javascript api but merged with some server functions wit…

1 decade ago in Mangu on Facebook:

Thanks for the recommendation!! I will implement touch controls for the menu sy…

1 decade ago in Mangu on Facebook:

Please check our new game, leave comments about it!

1 decade ago in Impact GameDev XDK:

Sorry direct canvas performance.

1 decade ago in Impact GameDev XDK:

How can we try xdk performance on ios? The trial don't work on osx

1 decade ago in iOS Impact beta background issue?:

Disabling the preRender will fix this issue but the game will run slower

1 decade ago in iOS Impact beta background issue?:

We have the same problem some tiles are missing!

1 decade ago in Merge Impact With Another canvas effects:

It's possible to merge another canvas effects like this: http://www.professorcl…