
81 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Have you seen Pale Blue on Kickstarter?:

@matthewjames I'll see if I can put what I have up on github today afte…

1 decade ago in Have you seen Pale Blue on Kickstarter?:

I've been using WebGL for lighting on an Impact based game. It's not …

1 decade ago in Flyweight design pattern:

I'll throw together a more organized test shortly, but the first results a…

1 decade ago in Flyweight design pattern:

I figured it out. In the main update I was updating each tree object in the…

1 decade ago in Flyweight design pattern:

@ITyl Thanks for responding. The problem with giving each of the trees a unique…

1 decade ago in Promising Isometric Plugin:

I have no idea if it's useful to reply to this old thread, but it caught m…

1 decade ago in Flyweight design pattern:

I'm having some trouble implementing the classic flyweight design pattern …

1 decade ago in Impact 2.x Feature Requests:

I'd love to be able to control FPS similar to how FPS worked prior to 1.20…

1 decade ago in Why would update method not get called?:

I've asked myself this same thing before then realized that I was only sho…

1 decade ago in Bugtracker?!?!:

@arantor are you using anything to manage bugs? Regarding SVN - I certainly ca…

1 decade ago in Bugtracker?!?!:

@arantor if you and the collaborators to this open source project you mention h…

1 decade ago in Bugtracker?!?!:

@aranot - private repos get the Issues feature and the issues would also be pri…

1 decade ago in Bugtracker?!?!:

+1 for github. The "Issues" feature for a git repo is great, even for…

1 decade ago in Have I found a bug with slopes? Has my brain turned into cheese?:

I posted a similar question in the public forums recently but I was sorta vague…

1 decade ago in Slope entities?:

I figured out what my original problem was and I have to say - it takes a lot t…

1 decade ago in Slope entities?:

@arantor Sorry - I mangled the code snippet as I pasted it here. It should re…

1 decade ago in Slope entities?:

@arantor Depending on how you look at it, you're correct. To be clear, st…

1 decade ago in Slope entities?:

@arantor: How are you measuring the difference in performance between slope…

1 decade ago in Thinking of building a Sim Tower clone with ImpactJS...:

I should say also: this thing is mesmerizing when there are multiple shafts, ea…

1 decade ago in Thinking of building a Sim Tower clone with ImpactJS...:

Funny, I too have been working on a Sim Tower-like game. It turned into a prett…

1 decade ago in Slope entities?:

I know slope collision works with sloped collision tiles within collision maps …

1 decade ago in requestAnimationFrame patch:

I just applied this patch to a game I'm working on that at any given momen…

1 decade ago in NotificationManager Plugin:

Oh, one more issue (though this is with code example in the comments). Instead…

1 decade ago in NotificationManager Plugin:

@quidmonkey - Thanks for making this! I'm using it to replace a much more …

1 decade ago in When is available?:

@MikeL: Thanks! that's so embarrassingly simple. @Jesse: You bring up a…

1 decade ago in When is available?:

What's the best way to ensure that is available in entities that…

1 decade ago in iOSImpact Beta: invalid context:

Someone needs to revoke my programming license. The issue, was in fact, that…

1 decade ago in iOSImpact Beta: invalid context:

Also, I meant to say the error was happening on line 263 of JS_Canvas.m.

1 decade ago in iOSImpact Beta: invalid context:

I've done some more tinkering with this. I can't say for sure yet,…

1 decade ago in iOSImpact Beta: invalid context:

I'm trying to use iOSImpact Beta with a rather complex game and have run i…