
13 Posts, registered 9 years ago


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8 years ago in F L A R E development Suite for Impact:

OK nice :)

8 years ago in F L A R E development Suite for Impact:

Impressive, well done. Starred and following on github. I am full time fullst…

9 years ago in Spawning in TwoPointFive:

""_Quote from Joncom_ It seems like the bullet is not being spawned …

9 years ago in Spawning in TwoPointFive:

This is what i have in player.js on 144 ## // Set the desired velocity based…

9 years ago in Spawning in TwoPointFive:

I can't find the code you posted. There is something similar on the line 8…

9 years ago in Spawning in TwoPointFive:

I saw the same problem. Good point. Xibalba however haven't this problem..…

9 years ago in twopointfive z-axis movement:

""_Quote from davidg0_ Maybe the vpos of the player changed succesfu…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive higher walls with variable height?:

""_Quote from Ripe_ I was able to get variable heights into twopointf…

9 years ago in Modifying single map tiles (TPF + Impact):

I just started to play with 2.5 plugin and with impactjs in general. For the mo…

9 years ago in twopointfive z-axis movement:

""_Quote from Skywalker_…

9 years ago in TwoPointFive higher walls with variable height?:

""_Quote from davidg0_ The best way is to add a model( like .obj ) …

9 years ago in Weltmeister Broken - jquery-1.7.1.min.js Problem:

Actually all the ajax calls are with async set to false...

9 years ago in Weltmeister Broken - jquery-1.7.1.min.js Problem:

Hi all. I searched in code directy becasue i had this issue too and it will bec…