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1 decade ago by enpu

Now you can use Pixi.js and Spine with Impact:

1 decade ago by Neeko

I'm just curious what are the benefits of using Pixi.js? Is it just a faster sprite renderer?

1 decade ago by Graphikos

Pixi.js is an HTML5 renderer for 2D that uses WebGL but will fallback to Canvas2D if WebGL is not supported.

1 decade ago by laborin

Hi. I suppose that using this renderer jumps the performance to the sky in web games, but what about ejecta games? I think ejecta is already rendering with opengl.

10 years ago by Seeders

Your link is dead :(

10 years ago by Seeders

Well I found another copy of your pixi js plugin, but unfortunately i just get a black screen with no errors. :-/

I am doing some unorthodox things though, such as multiple canvases. I had to modify your ig.system.init injection with:

this.canvas = this.renderer.view;
this.canvasfg = ig.$(canvasId + 'fg');
this.canvasmap = ig.$(canvasId + 'map');
this.canvasmapfg = ig.$(canvasId + 'mapfg');
this.canvasfog = ig.$(canvasId + 'fog');
this.canvasblood = ig.$(canvasId + 'blood');
this.canvasterrain = ig.$(canvasId + 'terrain');
this.canvasterrainfg = ig.$(canvasId + 'terrainfg');
this.contextfg = this.canvasfg.getContext('2d');
this.contextmap = this.canvasmap.getContext('2d');
this.contextmapfg = this.canvasmapfg.getContext('2d');
this.contextfog = this.canvasfog.getContext('2d');
this.contextterrain = this.canvasterrain.getContext('2d');
this.contextblood = this.canvasblood.getContext('2d');
this.contextterrainfg = this.canvasterrainfg.getContext('2d');

one thing I don't understand is why you are leaving ig.system.context as null?
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