10 years ago by FelipeBudinich
Code can be found here
Impact JS Mersenne Twister Plugin
This plugins allows you to generate pseudorandom numbers using a Mersenne Twister.
This plugin is based on the MT19937 algorithm, and code by Ben Lesh
As a submodule, from the git command line:
Then require this module:
seed: An Integer to be used as the initial seed for the pseudorandom number generator, if undefined Date.now() will be used.
This method returns a pseudorandom float number between 0 and 1, including both.
.getIntRange(min, max)
This method returns a pseudorandom integer number between min and max, including both.
.getFloatRange(min, max)
This method returns a pseudorandom float number between min and max, including both.
Impact JS Mersenne Twister Plugin
This plugins allows you to generate pseudorandom numbers using a Mersenne Twister.
This plugin is based on the MT19937 algorithm, and code by Ben Lesh
As a submodule, from the git command line:
git submodule add https://github.com/Talesay/impact-plugin-mersenne-twister.git lib/plugins/mersenne
Then require this module:
var prng = new ig.MersenneTwister(seed);
seed: An Integer to be used as the initial seed for the pseudorandom number generator, if undefined Date.now() will be used.
var prng = new ig.MersenneTwister(1); pnrg.get(); 0.057725428480649384 pnrg.get(); 0.8143797201814594 var prng = new ig.MersenneTwister(42); pnrg.getFloatRange(3,7); 4.8493376279088585 pnrg.getIntRange(-7, 5); -2
This method returns a pseudorandom float number between 0 and 1, including both.
.getIntRange(min, max)
This method returns a pseudorandom integer number between min and max, including both.
.getFloatRange(min, max)
This method returns a pseudorandom float number between min and max, including both.