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1 decade ago by fugufish

hmm I seem to be stuck with the mentality that all images must belong to some entity

what I need is to add an image to a text

i have this while the game is running:


I just want to draw a small image of 50x50 pixels under the message, but I don't want to create a whole new entity (because it might interact with the other objects in-game). I don't think I'm allowed to do this.draw(image)....

what's the best way to do this?

1 decade ago by fugufish

my bad, this seemed to do the trick

		animSheet:new ig.AnimationSheet('media/sprites/something.png',32,32),


			this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;
			this.currentAnim.flip.x = true;

1 decade ago by fugufish

mmm doesn't seem to work well

what I need is the image to stay fixed at its original location (even if the player and camera moves )

1 decade ago by fugufish

kind of thinking along the lines of a health bar, which always stays at the bottom of the screen regardless of where the player/camera is.

1 decade ago by dominic

ig.Image (or ig.Animation) doesn't need an entity. This should work:

MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
	testImage: new ig.Image( 'media/test.png' ),
	draw: function() {
		this.testImage.draw( 0, 0 );

See the synopsis for ig.Image and ig.Animation.

1 decade ago by superprat

MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
    testImage: new ig.Image( 'media/test.png' ),
    draw: function() {
        this.testImage.draw( this.screen.x, this.screen.y );

If you want it to stick to the screen

1 decade ago by Sledge

Maybe this is a dumb question, but can you also draw images in this way while using the impact.js implementation of box2D?

1 decade ago by Joncom

Quote from Sledge
Maybe this is a dumb question, but can you also draw images in this way while using the impact.js implementation of box2D?
Absolutely. Drawing of images is no different when using Box2D or otherwise.

1 decade ago by Joncom

Quote from arronlee
Quote redacted due to being spam.
Drawing an image with ImpactJS is as simple as:
var img = new ig.Image('image.png');
img.draw(0, 0);

See the documentation for more information.
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