1 decade ago by dahl
I have gotten the same error all morning:
Syntax Error: "missing } after property list (on column 9)"
this is my code:
the '*' is where i'm getting the error, it's not part of the code.
any help would be great, i've pulled out more hair this morning than i've lost this year. :)
Syntax Error: "missing } after property list (on column 9)"
this is my code:
ig.module( 'game.entities.buddha' ) .requires( 'impact.entity' ) EntityBuddha = ig.Entity.extend({ size: {x:48, y:48}, collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE, init: function( x, y, settings ) { this.parent( x, y, settings ); if(ig.input.state("CanvasTouch")) { nY = ig.input.mousey; nX = ig.input.mousex; this.vel.x = 50; this.vel.y = 50; } } *update: function() { this.overlappingEntities = [] // rests array this.parent(); } check: function( other ) { this.overlappingEntities.push( other instanceOf EntityBuddha); if(this.overlappingEntities.length >= 2) { .kill(this.overlappingEntities); } } }); });
the '*' is where i'm getting the error, it's not part of the code.
any help would be great, i've pulled out more hair this morning than i've lost this year. :)