1 decade ago
by matthew
From the Box2D document, it sounds like gravity is set at the world level, whereas Impact defines it as the entity level. I would like to use Box2D and have some entities that honor gravity and some that do not. Is this not possible?
1 decade ago
by dominic
I googled a bit - it seems to be a common problem with Box2D. In short, Box2D doesn&
039;t support "lighter than air" bodies directly, but you can apply a force to them for each frame to push them up. E.g. if you want to have entities that float, do this in your entity's #update()
this.body.ApplyForce( new b2.Vec2(0, -ig.game.gravity * b2.SCALE), this.body.GetPosition() );
Note that when you apply a force to an entity it won't come to "rest". So having a lot of these entities will impact the performance of your game.
If you want your entities to stay fixed all the time, just skip the
in your
method (have a look at it in
Or, if you don&
039;t need collision for these entities at all (e.g. for items that are just "collected" when touched) you can always subclass them from #ig.Entity
instead of from
1 decade ago
by matthew
The 2nd option seems to fit me, I want certain objects to stay fixed all the time. So I'll give that a shot and if it works I'll post my code here. Should just be able to add it as an option in the init.
1 decade ago
by matthew
Yes, this works for me. I'm able to get around it by created a property in the Box2D entity.js file called "isGravitated" defaulted to true. Then I pass a value through the settings object and set isGravitated in the init. Then in the createBody function I do:
if(this.isGravitated) {
Works flawlessly. Thank you!
1 decade ago
by Montana
Ho do you do this for a non box 2d entity, so for example i don't want my coin entity to be affected by gravity changes in the level?
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