
11 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Woo Hoo - An HTML5 game in the Mac App Store - (embedded webview):

Looks great. But you still do have to build a cocoa app a little bit, right? …

1 decade ago in Ideas for Weltmeister?:

I'd like the ability to rotate entities at an angle.

1 decade ago in Turning off gravity for entities with Box2D:

Yes, this works for me. I'm able to get around it by created a property i…

1 decade ago in Settings as false in Weltmeister are passed as a string to parent:

I have an entity with a default setting (settings.gravitate) as true. Some tim…

1 decade ago in Turning off gravity for entities with Box2D:

The 2nd option seems to fit me, I want certain objects to stay fixed all the ti…

1 decade ago in Make your entities shake (Box2D):

I wanted to implement a shaking motion to my entity upon being clicked. This i…

1 decade ago in Turning off gravity for entities with Box2D:

From the Box2D document, it sounds like gravity is set at the world level, wher…

1 decade ago in impsock: a Socket.IO plugin for ImpactJS:

So.. this could be used for what? Multiplayer perhaps?

1 decade ago in Entity won't move:

Yes, I had. I fixed this by using ApplyImpulse instead of ApplyForce. Perhaps …

1 decade ago in Passing through entity from only one direction:

Why not just erase the collision layer for all but the very top pixels?

1 decade ago in Entity won't move:

I'm creating a basic demo based on the Box2D example and for some reason m…