1 decade ago by congwang0517
i think they are very important in html5 games.
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showUpgradeDialog: function() { ig.dialogs.addTitle("your title bar"); ig.dialogs.addLabel("Upgrade to Level" + this.nextLevel() ); ig.dialogs.addLabel(["cost: " ]); ig.dialogs.addButton("Do it!", this.startBuilding.bind(this)); ig.dialogs.addButton("Cancel"); // no params - closes dialog },
ig.module('plugins.pikkle.dialogs'). requires('impact.impact', 'impact.game'). defines(function() { ig.Dialogs = ig.Class.extend({ backLevel: null, entities: [], yDelta: 15, init: function() { ig.dialogs = this; }, spawnComponent: function(caption, action, options) { options = options || {}; var comp; if (options.button) { comp = new ig.Dialogs.DialogButton(10, this.yDelta, caption, action, options); } else if (caption) { comp = new ig.Dialogs.DialogText(10, this.yDelta, caption, action, options); } else if (options.icon) { comp = new ig.Dialogs.DialogIcon(10, this.yDelta, options.icon); } if (comp) { // this.entities = this.entities || []; this.entities.push(comp); this.yDelta += comp.size.y + 10; } return comp; }, newDialog: function() { this.removeEntities(); ig.gameState.showMenu = true; ig.gameState.canClick = false; return(this); }, // options: color, icon, iconAllign addButton: function(caption, action, options) { if (caption == "Cancel") { options = options || {}; // undefined case options.color = options.color || "rgba(180,180,180, 0.8)"; } options = options || {}; ig.gameState.showMenu = true; ig.gameState.canClick = false; if (!action) { options.color = options.color || "rgba(0,180,0, 0.8)"; } options.button = true; this.spawnComponent(caption, action, options); }, // options: color, icon addLabel: function(caption, options) { ig.gameState.showMenu = true; ig.gameState.canClick = false; options = this.defOption(options, {noBorder: true} ); this.spawnComponent(caption, null, options); }, // todo - add to object prototype defOption: function(opts, plus) { opts = opts || {}; for (key in plus) { opts[key] = plus[key]; console.log("key", key, plus[key]); } return(opts); }, addTitle: function(caption, options) { options = this.defOption(options, {color: '#1693E2'} ); options = this.defOption(options, {font: ig.game.fonts.droid_sans_white_30} ); if (typeof(options.noBorder) === 'undefined' ) { options.noBorder = true; } this.addLabel(caption, options); }, addText: function(text, options) { options = options || {}; options.multiline = true; this.spawnComponent(text, null, options); }, addIcon: function(icon) { this.spawnComponent(null, null, {icon: icon}); }, addBackButton: function(caption) { this.addButton(caption || '< back'); }, update: function() { this.buttonPressed = false; this.entities.forEach(function(ent) { ent.update(); }); if (ig.input.pressed('click') && !this.buttonPressed) { this.hideDialog(); } }, //todo - have this fade in/out? fadeBackground: function(col) { ig.system.context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)"; ig.game.roundedRec(ig.system.context, 5, 5, 310, 470, 10, true); }, draw: function() { if (this.entities.length > 0) { this.fadeBackground(); } this.entities.forEach(function(ent) { ent.draw(); }); }, removeEntities: function() { var ent = this.entities.shift(); while(ent) { ent.kill(); ent = this.entities.shift(); } }, hideDialog: function(func) { ig.gameState.canClick = false; ig.gameState.showMenu = false; this.yDelta = 10; this.removeEntities(); if (func) func(); } }); ig.Dialogs.DialogElement = ig.Entity.extend ({ size: {x: 300, y: 40}, type: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE, checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE, collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NONE, init: function(x, y, text, action, options) { if (typeof(text) == 'undefined') { console.log("ERROR: formatText: undefined"); text = "----"; } options = options || {}; this.font = options.font || ig.game.fonts.standard; this.textWidth = ig.system.width - 30; this.parent(x, y); if (this.animSheet) { this.addAnim('idle', 1, [0], true); this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle; } if (options.multiline) { this.text = this.formatText(text); } else { this.text = [text]; } this.spaceBetweenLines = 3; this.size.y = (this.font.height + this.spaceBetweenLines) * this.text.length + 30; if (options.icon) { var dy = (this.size.y > Icon.edge) ? (this.size.y - Icon.edge) / 2 : 0; this.icon = new Icon(this.pos.x, this.pos.y + dy, options.icon); this.textWidth -= Icon.edge; } this.ctx = ig.system.context; this.noBorder = options.noBorder; this.action = action; this.button = options.button; this.color = options.color || "rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)"; }, formatText: function(text) { // splits long string into multiple lines var words = text.split(" "); var lines = []; var line = []; var length = 0; var spaceLength = this.font.widthForString(' '); for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++) { var currentLength = this.font.widthForString(words[i]); if (length + currentLength < this.textWidth) { length += currentLength + spaceLength; line.push(words[i]); } else { lines.push(line.join(" ")); line = [words[i]]; length = currentLength; } } lines.push(line.join(" ")); return lines; }, draw: function() { if (typeof(this.text) == 'undefined') { console.log("ERROR: draw no text"); } this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ig.game.roundedRec(this.ctx, this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.size.x - this.pos.x + 10, this.size.y, 5, this.noBorder); for (var i in this.text) { this.font.draw(this.text[i], this.pos.x + (this.icon ? this.icon.textOffset : 3), this.pos.y + 15 + (i * (this.font.height + this.spaceBetweenLines))); } if (this.icon) this.icon.draw(); }, update: function(){ if (this.icon) { this.icon.update(); } if (ig.input.pressed('click') && this.inFocus()) { ig.dialogs.buttonPressed = true; } }, inFocus:function () { if (!ig.gameState.canClick) { return false; } xmax = this.pos.x + this.size.x; ymax = this.pos.y + this.size.y; xhit = (this.pos.x <= ig.input.mouse.x && ig.input.mouse.x <= xmax ); yhit = (this.pos.y <= ig.input.mouse.y && ig.input.mouse.y <= ymax ); flag = xhit && yhit; if (flag) { ig.gameState.canClick = false; } return(flag); } }); ig.Dialogs.DialogButton = ig.Dialogs.DialogElement.extend({ update:function () { if (this.icon) { this.icon.update(); } if (ig.input.pressed('click') && this.inFocus()) { if (this.button) { ig.dialogs.hideDialog(); if (typeof(this.action) === 'function') { this.action(); } } ig.dialogs.buttonPressed = true; } } }); ig.Dialogs.DialogText = ig.Dialogs.DialogElement.extend({ }); ig.Dialogs.DialogIcon = ig.Dialogs.DialogElement.extend({ iconsMap: { guide: {file: "guide/guide-dialog.png", frames: [0], frameTime: 0.1, size: {x: 128, y: 128}}, 'quest-cleared': {file: "messages/quest-cleared.png", frames: [0, 1], frameTime: 0.1, size: {x: 320, y: 128}} }, size: {x: 0, y: 0}, init: function(x, y, icon) { this.pos = {x: x, y: y}; if (typeof(icon.draw) === 'function') { this.icon = icon; this.icon.update = function(){}; this.size = {x:icon.size.x, y:icon.size.y}; } else { var map = this.iconsMap[icon]; if (map) { var anim = new ig.AnimationSheet('media/dialogs/' + map.file, map.size.x, map.size.y); this.icon = new ig.Animation(anim, map.frameTime, map.frames, false); this.size = {x:map.size.x, y:map.size.y}; } } }, draw: function(){ if (this.icon) { this.icon.draw(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); } } }); });
Quote from quidmonkey
I created this menu plugin a couple months ago. If there's interest, I can release the source.