
25 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Misuse of requestAnimationFrame():

""_Quote from HawkleyFox_ Like, truly asynchronous? That seems unli…

1 decade ago in Rotating Map:

I've been trying to make this happen as well for a pet project of mine. Un…

1 decade ago in Chipmunk-js plugin:

@Xatruch, nice job porting. Any chance you'd want to expand the demo that …

1 decade ago in Chipmunk-js plugin:

@alexandre, @Xatruch, the joint demo comes with chipmunk-js (…

1 decade ago in Chipmunk-js plugin:

I adapted the jump n run box2d code to use the most up to date JS port of [http…

1 decade ago in Converting Photos into Impact Levels Revisited:

@quidmonkey, No, I didn't. After the hack, we both just kind of lost inter…

1 decade ago in Converting Photos into Impact Levels Revisited:

Well, it's a year later, and I finally got around to writing up how we con…

1 decade ago in canvas tainted by cross-origin data:

There are two ways that I know of to reliably do this. 1) Use a server as a …

1 decade ago in Bug in Function.bind:

You're right, but I think you're talking about partial application of…

1 decade ago in Video of converting photos to levels for impactjs:

So, I was searching the forums for responses to threads, and happened to find t…

1 decade ago in Trying to create a "meat boy-esque" jumping system:

@ThatAnalog, @alexandre is absolutely right, you can see the code used to initi…

1 decade ago in Array.splice() issues.:

You might benefit from a small experiment of mine, called StackMemory. It lets …

1 decade ago in Array.splice() issues.:

The best way to copy an array is with .slice(), which implicitly returns a new …

1 decade ago in Trying to create a "meat boy-esque" jumping system:

The way I did it for the portal demo can be seen here:…

1 decade ago in Entity collision with sloped tile: get initial point of collision?:

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Is there a way to get email notifications for th…

1 decade ago in Portals in Impact:

""_Quote from Xaan_ Wow! Very impressive. Any chance you'll com…

1 decade ago in Entity collision with sloped tile: get initial point of collision?:

dominic, I think I found a solution to the problem. It took me a while to comp…

1 decade ago in Entity collision with sloped tile: get initial point of collision?:

Hopefully a diagram can help explain: {} I hav…

1 decade ago in Drawing an arbitrary part of the map? Double buffering?:

""_Quote from Graphikos_ I suppose, in theory, you could inject to s…

1 decade ago in Portals in Impact:

""_Quote from Graphikos_ Pretty cool! You can actually rotate the en…

1 decade ago in Drawing an arbitrary part of the map? Double buffering?:

I'm working on a demo that uses portals, which can be played in its curren…

1 decade ago in Portals in Impact:

I made a WIP demo of getting portals into ImpactJS, you can play it here: https…

1 decade ago in requestAnimationFrame patch:

I didn't realize that setInterval/Timeout now capped at 1fps for backgroun…

1 decade ago in requestAnimationFrame patch:

Well, I'd love to hear what those issues are. The patch I created uses set…

1 decade ago in requestAnimationFrame patch:

I'm on a laptop, so it's very important that the CPU not be churning …