
37 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Yet another WIP : topdown racer:

Failed to load on ipad2 here

1 decade ago in Where are you based?:

Thanks for the compliment again MikeL, works stopped me from continuing my game…

1 decade ago in Where are you based?:

Hello world! I must be the only one from Malaysia.

1 decade ago in Auto-Complete script using Macrabbit Espresso?:

Thank you so much techmale, will give it a try!

1 decade ago in Where can i get it free.:

you are such a kind person Dominic! Meep, tell us you're fooling around! I…

1 decade ago in impactJS has become the 2nd facebook!:

I mean my 2nd facebook, at least, I'm checking this website at least 3 tim…

1 decade ago in Possibility for a Roadmap:

Can't wait for the 2.x release, keep up with all the great works Dominic

1 decade ago in Untitled:

It turned out my png file is corrupted, fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.

1 decade ago in Untitled:

Nope, while on my local machine, both the main,js and the baked game.js work fi…

1 decade ago in Untitled:

Controller: Arrow keys to move, space to ignite fire

1 decade ago in Untitled:

some of my test, can't consider it a game yet! http://html5.iopixels.c…

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

finally got it running!

1 decade ago in how to assign individual animation to up, down, left and right buttons?:

i go it now then, thanks!

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

I've updated my [ cutie.js] and th…

1 decade ago in how to assign individual animation to up, down, left and right buttons?:

nope I didn't think about using the axis directional at all. That's w…

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

[ cutie.js] […

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

I think I got what you were telling me earlier, I've found that my main pr…

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

below is my code, but the "die" animation just won't appear! ## …

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

Hi Hareesun, I've gone through it before I started this thread, this might…

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

I'd assume I insert this code into my "dead" entity and have the…

1 decade ago in tower defense game where player can pick and place item (entity), how to?:

after few day of testing I would now agree with Hareesun, although I've th…

1 decade ago in how do I spawn death animation? Or death particle like in biolab?:

This is what I did: Create a new "dead" entity with animation. Add…

1 decade ago in Pipewalk - Puzzle/Board:

Where's the 'like' button? :)

1 decade ago in Baking in Mac OS X, permission denied:

Ya the su command didn't help but the chmod command made my day!

1 decade ago in Baking in Mac OS X, permission denied:

anyone? please? I gotta get it bake so I could share it in the game area!

1 decade ago in Baking in Mac OS X, permission denied:

I've entere ./ within the tools directory of my game but get the me…

1 decade ago in switch between different gameplay (same level) with press of a key:

I've an idea where I wanted to combine a top down RPG game with a side-scr…

1 decade ago in tower defense game where player can pick and place item (entity), how to?:

any example or coding for me to kick start my project?

1 decade ago in how to assign individual animation to up, down, left and right buttons?:

Thanks for the pointer, I've got it working finally. I'm starting to …

1 decade ago in how to assign individual animation to up, down, left and right buttons?:

Updated: found the solution by changing ig.input.pressed to ig.input.state. …