
98 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@jtokarchuk Character speed: characters have several different max speed pro…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

I've been really busy with another project, but with the help of @pattentr…

1 decade ago in Importing impact++, need help:

Hi Justos, best way to get help with Impact++ is to open an issue on the github…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

Can you check the console for any errors and post those?

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

Impact++ pathfinding can handle most paths and does account for entity sizes, w…

1 decade ago in Enemy AI idle in all directions:

Keep state properties such as a facing vec2, and whenever your AI / character m…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

Impact++ is now at release r6. Download and Changlog:…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@Herry your MyGame init method needs to call #this.parent()# so the game can se…

1 decade ago in ImpactJS + Box2D + IlluminatedJS Plugin (Physics, Lights and Shadows):

I agree, neat plugin and great idea! Can boxmeister create polygons from the co…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@BennyT: "04b03_white_8.png" is the name of the font image included i…

1 decade ago in Mobile Fixed Width Vertical Scroller:

One important thing to note is that you should probably make sure your width, h…

1 decade ago in ImpactJS + Box2D + IlluminatedJS Plugin (Physics, Lights and Shadows):

@bimf firefox is not as fast as chrome, but it is fast enough to run 2D lightin…

1 decade ago in How to handle changing ig.system.scale on-the-fly?:

If it helps, Impact++ does per entity scaling and dynamic scaling without reloa…

1 decade ago in Comments on Impact.js module:

I'll think on your points, do some testing in my next round of optimizatio…

1 decade ago in ImpactJS + Box2D + IlluminatedJS Plugin (Physics, Lights and Shadows):

The performance keeps steady around 60 fps on both Chrome and FF for me, nice w…

1 decade ago in Comments on Impact.js module:

@vincentpiel thanks for checking it out. I really do want to avoid the memory c…

1 decade ago in Comments on Impact.js module:

@vincentpiel dropped it into a project using only ImpactJS and Impact++. The ig…

1 decade ago in Entity standing over another Entity?:

The #standing# property is completely unstable in ImpactJS as far as I can tell…

1 decade ago in Comments on Impact.js module:

Thanks for posting vincentpiel, there are some good modifications in there. …

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@shalafi About the #playerText# property, I've never seen that property. I…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@shalafi I've got nothing in particular for you other than a note that Imp…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@shalafi there is no do/don't guide as of yet. Entity update is actually b…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@vicman4 probably the best place to ask questions is via github issues or to pi…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@vassildador in case you missed it, you might be interested in https://github.c…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@vassildador welcome back! For async loading and stability, I think we need …

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

Added some critical bug fixes and miscellaneous enhancements to creatures and a…

1 decade ago in entity touches method not working?:

Dominic brings up a good point, to which I'd add: don't use #getEntit…

1 decade ago in Preventing multiple jumps with Box2D:

I agree, there is no reason for static bodies to wake, but I seem to remember t…

1 decade ago in Preventing multiple jumps with Box2D:

This reminds me, @Joncom, when I had Box2D in Impact++, there was a nasty bug t…

1 decade ago in Dyanmic Canvas Size and Weltmeister:

ImpactJS does not scale dynamically by itself, you'll need to direct it to…