1 decade ago by collinhover
Character speed: characters have several different max speed properties, to allow you to control how fast they can go in different situations, and this is also the case for friction, though speed is always the same. Have you tried changing these specifically? Here are the properties: https://github.com/collinhover/impactplusplus/blob/master/lib/plusplus/abstractities/character.js#L133
Scaling: o keep the game shown at about 160x144, you should use the
Character speed: characters have several different max speed properties, to allow you to control how fast they can go in different situations, and this is also the case for friction, though speed is always the same. Have you tried changing these specifically? Here are the properties: https://github.com/collinhover/impactplusplus/blob/master/lib/plusplus/abstractities/character.js#L133
Scaling: o keep the game shown at about 160x144, you should use the
properties in the config-user file. Set them to 160 and 144 respectively, and the game will be scaled to try and keep that ratio in the view. If you need it to be exactly at that view, you'll want to set your canvas css to that ratio as well, and there is a small chance you will need a little bit of custom code in your game's resize method.