
27 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

9 years ago in Impact++ More complete tutorials:

Good to know that you solved that tweening issue! Unfortunately tweening is not…

10 years ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

Hi there RockLeo, a really quick solution would be to use the animOverride m…

10 years ago in Brightness:

First of, I freaking love Elliot's Quest! I also read an interview you did…

10 years ago in Impact 2.0 release date?:

Because Dominic just released a small update and the cool 2.5D plugin, I think …

1 decade ago in Schreiber's Quest (Point 'n Click Adventure):

@Jackolantern Haha - glad to hear that you like this stuff :D I uploaded the …

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

Hi there @itsOgden, glad to hear that you like ++! By default all entities in …

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@PabloAM We added support for “multiple jumps” to Impact++. Switch to th…

1 decade ago in Super Snail Rescue (Shoot 'em Up):

@wands Thank your for your feedback. Makes me happy that it reminded you of th…

1 decade ago in Schreiber's Quest (Point 'n Click Adventure):

Thanks man :D The UI works exact like in Maniac Mansion and other SCUMM game…

1 decade ago in Schreiber's Quest (Point 'n Click Adventure):

Hi there, i made an oldschool Point 'n Click Adventure a while ago. The g…

1 decade ago in Super Snail Rescue (Shoot 'em Up):

Hi there, i finished a few days ago my first SHMUP. It has some performance …

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@fjork Regarding to the sound example: ## ig.module( 'game.entities.…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@PabloAM Glad that you like ++. Double jumps are possible with a few modificat…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@fjork Add the sound that you need at the initProperties method of your enti…

1 decade ago in Optimize my game:

You could skip the logic at the update/draw methods as long as the entity is no…

1 decade ago in rule game:

You can make whatever game you like with ImpactJS as long as it's 2D and y…

1 decade ago in meta viewport not scaling game for any resolution:

Hi there, as far as I know #1# is the minimum scale. Do I understand you rig…

1 decade ago in Optimize my game:

Hi there, it's difficult to give you an answer without knowing some bas…

1 decade ago in rule game:

what is a rule's game oO

1 decade ago in init timer:

First of, your timer does not have a defined time, what maybe is not what you w…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

The new Impact++ r7 release is out now! It includes a whole slew of bug fixe…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@ Everyone collinhover and myself are currently discussing on adding some ba…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@Ralliare Just post a Issue at the github page if you are stuck with somethi…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@lunarcloud Could you post your user config? My latest impact++ game is also…

1 decade ago in Changing font properties on 1 instance change all.:

Could you post the code of your combo entity?

1 decade ago in Mouse Cursor:

I know that this is a very old thread, but the code above does not work on all …

1 decade ago in collideWith a entity that is killed:

You could check for existing bricks in each update call of your EntityPuck or i…