1 decade ago
by Joncom
Quote from ckcollab
I&039;m not sure, but it's definitely not visible at #{x: 64, y: -8}
For the sake of debugging, have your screen follow the position of the troublesome entity, perhaps.
Forgive me, I'm pretty new! How do I make the "screen follow" an entity/position?
BTW, I did kinda get it figured out!
Just made an entity "Waypoint" with a property "next", a linked list of positions basically :)
1 decade ago
by Joncom
Glad you got that sorted out.
How do I make the "screen follow" an entity/position?
// Like this...
ig.game.screen.x = entity.pos.x + entity.size.x/2 - ig.system.width/2;
ig.game.screen.y = entity.pos.y + entity.size.y/2 - ig.system.height/2;
1 decade ago
by mahgo
Hi Hurik,
Did you have an ETA on when you were going to make the paths more natural?
1 decade ago
by Joncom
Quote from mahgo
Did you have an ETA on when you were going to make the paths more natural?
I could be wrong, but I don't believe hurik has any plans to make the paths more natural. I'm basing this assumption based on the fact that it's be 8 months since the last update.
1 decade ago
by mahgo
Yeah seems like a fair assumption!
Any plugins out there that do more than 45 degree paths, and take entity size into account?
1 decade ago
by Joncom
Quote from mahgo
Yeah seems like a fair assumption!
Any plugins out there that do more than 45 degree paths, and take entity size into account?
hurik's plugin already provides the groundwork. You can make some improvements yourself using techniques found
here. I believe hurik's pathfinding plugin is the best one publicly available. Or maybe Impact++ has some extra features? I'm not sure...
Impact++ pathfinding can handle most paths and does account for entity sizes, walking around corners, jumping, climbing, avoiding other entities, fleeing, etc. It works best for entities that are within 3x size of the tiles, but recent changes should have made it better for bigger entities. I'm not sure what more than 45 degree paths means, but you can get a good idea of the pathfinding in Impact++ if you check out the creatures and pathfinding level in the SUPER COLLIDER! demo:
1 decade ago
by hurik
i added the nicerPath option. it makes the paths nicer. I made it on a request and i doesn't tested it very much.
here an example image:

1 decade ago
by hurik
hi again,
added support for entities which are bigger than the tilesize. it was surprisingly easy ...
here an example image:

1 decade ago
by BennyT
Hi Hurik,
This is my first attempt at using your plugin and working with the a* algorithm.
I have an enemy entity that needs to catch up to a player entity chasing him down the screen for a top down game.
I have implemented your plugin and everything looks fine, except the enemy's position is never updated.
when i log out the this.path value, I can see it trying to get closer to the player's position but somewhere between then and the follow path call it gets lost.
Here is the update function:
update: function() {
console.log("Enemy is: (" + this.pos.x + ", " + this.pos.y + ")");
// Update it every 2 seconds
if(this.pathTimer.delta() > 0) {
// Get the path to the player
this.getPath(ig.game.player.pos.x, ig.game.player.pos.y, true);
// Walk the path
this.followPath(this.speed, true);
// Update the animation
// Heading direction values
// 1 4 6
// 2 0 7
// 3 5 8
1 decade ago
by hurik
sorry for the late answer ...
can you send me the code? then i can check whats the problem ...