
13 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Best option for porting to iOS and Android apps.:

I currently have an Impact game which uses divs for the interface. I'm loo…

1 decade ago in Different kinds of collisions dependant on the Entities:

Their types and checkAgainsts are ig.Entity.TYPE.A, as they have different acti…

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

Yeah seems like a fair assumption! Any plugins out there that do more than 4…

1 decade ago in Different kinds of collisions dependant on the Entities:

Hi, I'm making an RTS game and I'm trying to implement Friendly en…

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

Hi Hurik, Did you have an ETA on when you were going to make the paths more …

1 decade ago in Overwrite Background Layers Being Drawn:

Thanks Joncom!

1 decade ago in Overwrite Background Layers Being Drawn:

How would I overwrite which layers of a level are getting drawn? I want to be a…

1 decade ago in Help: Calling another Entity's properties?:

The way you're doing it is storing a clicks variable in every monster obje…

1 decade ago in Setting values of an array variable property of an Entity in Weltmeister:

Hi, how do I set values of an array variable property of an Entity in Weltmeist…

1 decade ago in Loading Impact Game/Weltmeister in an MVC 4 ASP.NET site:

Hi Phil, Would you have any idea what could cause my entities to not be dete…

1 decade ago in Loading Impact Game/Weltmeister in an MVC 4 ASP.NET site:

Ok thanks, then copy the weltmeister html code into the view? Also, do you h…

1 decade ago in Loading Impact Game/Weltmeister in an MVC 4 ASP.NET site:

Has anyone had any luck/is it possible to load my Impact game and Weltmeister i…

1 decade ago in Zoom out to see wider map area:

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but how would I implement the Zoom feature witho…