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1 decade ago by paulh

Hopefully this will open up the doors that the gatekeepers at sony/nintendo and msoft have held firmly closed for many years...

1 decade ago by TylerAppmobi

I saw this yesterday, it was at $900,000. Now it's at 2.6 million after one night!

It will be interesting to see how well it parses HTML5. Since it's based on Android I'm hoping it'll work well.

1 decade ago by paulh

After fighting with those gatekeepers i mentioned and the early days of closed architecture mobile phone games, im praying this gets the graphics power to compete ... and of course the developer take-up, unfortunately $2.7m will only get them through round 1 of ten .... fingers crossed!

I cant see a gpu mentioned anywhere?

1 decade ago by TylerAppmobi

Just found this image on the internets of whats on the motherboard. Might give us more insight on what it'll be capable of.

1 decade ago by Graphikos

I backed the project when it was around $600k. For such an open platform... here's to hoping it has great success!

Does anyone know if it has like native support for HTML5 or does it just have a browser or something we have to run through?

1 decade ago by TylerAppmobi

It runs on Android OS so it should at least have a UIwebview. Downside is right now that isn't really good for HTML5 :/

1 decade ago by mimik

well its seams kinda weak :/ Weaker than a Wii!
and a wii is weak.
Android 4, dont know if thats good or not for html5.
made alot of html5 mobile sites for android. its a hacky walk in the park.

1 decade ago by TylerAppmobi

Heres a quick sheet of HTML5 support on Android 4 browser:

I couldn't find a sheet on the UIwebview, but I think it supports the same attributes.

1 decade ago by wilson

Me and some friends also backed the project for upcoming games and sincerely hope they succeed with it! Of course we like to be part of that.

Anyways it would be lovely to have ImpactJS on it in some shape or form. How about an iOS style wrapper or even better, a port of the engine to Android? ;-)

1 decade ago by Altalus

I know I am necro resurrecting the post but now that the OUYA is a reality (dev consoles shipping in 8 days) I was wondering if an exporter could be done for ImpactJS like the iOS exporter... would open a HUGE door for this engine :P

1 decade ago by sdwrage

Quote from Altalus
I know I am necro resurrecting the post but now that the OUYA is a reality (dev consoles shipping in 8 days) I was wondering if an exporter could be done for ImpactJS like the iOS exporter... would open a HUGE door for this engine :P

^ This ^

1 decade ago by dominic

CocoonJS should work for Ouya, it's just Android after all. I'm not sure about the controls, though. Still waiting for my dev unit...

1 decade ago by Graphikos


Lucky dog... getting a dev unit. I'll have to wait until March for the other kick-starter consoles get shipped out. Looking forward to trying my hand at development for it and if that means I can still use Impact even (way) better.

1 decade ago by sdwrage

Quote from dominic
CocoonJS should work for Ouya, it's just Android after all. I'm not sure about the controls, though. Still waiting for my dev unit...

I am sure that someone will end up developing a plugin for it correct? Would it even be that hard to figure out what keys are being pressed?

1 decade ago by sdwrage

Any update on whether this has been tested and working on ouya?

1 decade ago by Reinaldo

I actually got ImpactJS working beautifully on the Ouya with CocoonJS. Is not too complicated. It's just a matter of querying the gamepad buttons and axis.

You can take a look here:

They have a demo on how to get access to the gamepad. You will however have to create a custom launcher for the Ouya for testing.

1 decade ago by WalaWala

You can use my wrapper, it works with impact and has the ouya controller built in:

10 years ago by Krisjet

So, for anyone wishing to use CocoonJS to make a game for OUYA, I will tell you this: it works great, but Cocoon does NOT implement the controller API spec correctly. The correct way to check if a button is pressed according to the W3C standard is to check whether gamepad.buttons[buttonNumber].pressed is true. There is also a gamepad.buttons[buttonNumber].value which shows how hard the button is being pressed, with the value going from 0 to 1.

In Cocoons implementation they've dropped having two variables, and gamepad.buttons[buttonNumber] is basically the value variable, which fluctuates between 1 and 0. If it's more than 0, it's being pressed, if 0 it's not.

Just thought I'd spare someone else a couple of hours of debugging to find that out. :P

10 years ago by Joncom

Interesting. I guess technically, two values are not necessary since you can determine the .pressed state from .value state. Still though, following the standard would probably be a good idea. Thanks for sharing.

10 years ago by Krisjet

Has anyone gotten the bitmap fonts to work on OUYA using CocoonJS?

My game runs fine on OUYA, but the fonts won't show up. I've tried some small hacks but I really haven't found an easy way to do debugging yet, so I'm kind of coding blind, trying to find out how to fix it. Will take another stab at it tomorrow I think, it's kind of the last piece of the puzzle before everything is working.

10 years ago by Krisjet

Dom helped me with the bitmap font issue, basically the way impact finds the indices and the width of characters isn't very reliable, so I hard coded them for my specific font, and it worked perfectly.

Wrote up a more detailed post on my experience porting Partypillars to OUYA here:

10 years ago by Joncom

Could you elaborate on "isn't very reliable"?

10 years ago by Krisjet

Straight from Dominic's own twitter: and this one:

I'm not sure exactly what was going wrong, as I didn't have any proper debugging setup when testing it, I just know that it failed, and that after doing what Dom suggested, it works :)

10 years ago by FelipeBudinich

Thanks very much for the info! (haven't tried to port a game to ouya yet using cocoonjs, but I'm guessing that we can expect similar issues on android phones in general)
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