
39 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Impact 1.19:

So good. :) Thanks a lot.

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

How hard would this be to implement for a platform game?

1 decade ago in 'Press any key' to start game:

How about using <body onKeyPress="impactFunction()">?

1 decade ago in PubNub:

Nice! I'm going to play around with this now. Thanks a lot.

1 decade ago in Deterministic Game Loop?:

Hi dominic and thanks for the reply. I ended up making a plugin for it. I�…

1 decade ago in Deterministic Game Loop?:

Hi, Two simple questions: 1. Where do I put this code? (I think I got it …

1 decade ago in Destroy collision:

Thanks blast! I'm actually making a game where I need this. I kind of knew…

1 decade ago in Web testing of my game -- some good news -- some bad news:

Hi gxxaxx, Not really answering your question but I must say I'm a bit …

1 decade ago in name spacing entities and controlling loading?:

I know there's a thread about your first question somewhere but I can'…

1 decade ago in Weltmeister help:

It should say what line the SyntaxError is. You probably have forgot to add a }…

1 decade ago in Weltmeister help:

Have you checked the browser's console for any errors?

1 decade ago in Check if an Entity overlaps a certain tile?:

Thanks fugufish. I actually tried that just now and it seems that it doesn'…

1 decade ago in Check if an Entity overlaps a certain tile?:

Hi. I'm making a game where the player can spawn entities with the mous…

1 decade ago in The way to define a sprite on an Entity:

If you want different sheets just put all the different spritesheets (A.png, B.…

1 decade ago in Canvas native resolution:

Thanks a lot! Really appreciated. :)

1 decade ago in Canvas native resolution:

That slide is really interesting. Where can I read more about how to handle dif…

1 decade ago in Collision box that fit the graphic:

For the walking animation I would just keep the same collision box in the middl…

1 decade ago in Box2D and triggers:

Bumping this one since it's really crucial for my game and I can't co…

1 decade ago in Entities and the Gem Matching game.....:

Hey dahl, Is that really the correct code? I can see "instanceOf" is…

1 decade ago in Box2D and triggers:

Hi, I'm trying to create a trigger which kills Box2D entities that go i…

1 decade ago in Entities falling through solid tiles.....:

Why not say what it was? I'm kind of tired of people who think this is the…

1 decade ago in Animation plays randomly:

Try: ## this.currentAnim = this.anims.shoot.rewind(); ##

1 decade ago in start:

Not sure if it helps but try adding rewind() when changing animation: ## this…

1 decade ago in 2 Collision layers !:

How did you solve it?

1 decade ago in How to stretch an image during gameplay?:

When I use dominic's code above the entity I'm resizing doesn't …

1 decade ago in NPC refuses to walk to the right:

From the Docs: ""So if you want an entity to opt out of static collis…

1 decade ago in Player calls an Entity which calls another entity:

So what was the problem?

1 decade ago in Image scale/cut problem:

What's "this.bubbleTexture.resize(2);"? I don't find it in …

1 decade ago in Adding your clearColor to the maps in the debug panel:

A bit off-topic but what exactly is clearColor and for what kind of things do y…

1 decade ago in Impact 1.18:

This is amazing. Didn't expect the release to be this good! Especially lik…