
77 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Remeber LD27 devs:

post your games in the games forum for the community to check out!! http://i…

1 decade ago in My 48 hour game for LD27: don…

1 decade ago in Chicken Snatch LD27 jam:

My LD27 jam entry. Visit the page to view all comments and judge. Thanks! …

1 decade ago in Music Looping:

It was sound file size. the loop tracks were high quality and causing the issue…

1 decade ago in My highscore system is getting hacked through impactjs JavaScript:

Well, this is an issue you are going to combat for a while especially since the…

1 decade ago in Music Looping:

## update:function(){ if(!this.letsStartLooping) { switch (ig.m…

1 decade ago in Impact++ library [75+ additions]:

@vassildador we're all asking for it ;)…

1 decade ago in Davy Crockett 2183 - IGF 16:

Our goal is to finish this game by October and submit it to IGF. wish us luck. …

1 decade ago in Temporarily disabling ig.input.:

I use a global "am I chatting" type boolean ## if( ig.input.pressed…

1 decade ago in Using BackgroundAnims in Tiles.:

you could randomize the interval with something like ## Math.floor((Math.rando…

1 decade ago in Weltmeister not working?:

what OS are you using? there are pretty good tutorials for every OS on setting …

1 decade ago in Extra Videos and Tutorials for impactJS and gamedev:

it should be this link :)…

1 decade ago in Extra Videos and Tutorials for impactJS and gamedev:

For the last month or so I have been streaming the development of my game live …

1 decade ago in Font troubles with CocoonJS on mobile devices?:

I had an issue on Samsung devices where the fonts would scramble my text. After…

1 decade ago in Loader question:

I used a splash screen for Saving Circles music credits. With SlouchCouch'…

1 decade ago in Advice on rhythm game - ig.Music and ig.Timer:

That bug explains so much about my issues when I was streaming last Sunday.

1 decade ago in Biolab Disaster demo on Google Play:

I know that I used cocoonJS, I made saving circles with impact and then used …

1 decade ago in Impact 2.0 release date?:

I bought 1.17, I would pre-order 2.0 impact has made a lot of my longterm goals…

1 decade ago in Biolab Disaster demo on Google Play:

I think he used cocoonJS for google play. I also used cocoonJS with ImpactJS fo…

1 decade ago in Happyweed2 - Game in Dev:


1 decade ago in Attracting other entities.:

probably using some trace…

1 decade ago in Attracting other entities.:

So to angle your object at the player the player would be the mouse ## var mx =…

1 decade ago in How to allow app to call me, and how to exit the game loop:

You can probably bake the impact game (which you should be doing) and then call…

1 decade ago in Attracting other entities.:

inside of here is the code you are looking for, but you have to reverse enginee…

1 decade ago in Dialogue trees:

There seems to be a ton of text in FTL I would try hitting them up on twitter a…

1 decade ago in My Fair Lady and programming:

I wrote this today/added clips. I was watching this last weekend and could not …

1 decade ago in Dialogue trees:

I do not use a lot of Dialogue, but I hate seeing posts go long without a respo…

1 decade ago in Looking for android testers for this app real quick:

That is interesting, I had a couple S2 testers but they didn't report that…

1 decade ago in JS Error - Weltmeister:

Awesome because my real job is killing me right now and I have been debugging 1…

1 decade ago in Game Art:

I was in the same boat for a bit, I eventually started spending ~20 minutes a n…