
16 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Feel like I'm missing something really basic:

oh god, I knew it was something stupidly simple. Thank you!

1 decade ago in Feel like I'm missing something really basic:

So I'm playing with the pong example... and the default puck speed is SUPE…

1 decade ago in Game Plugins:

As we don't seem to have a full list anywhere... what plugins have people …

1 decade ago in Secure code?:

It's that "feasibility" step that's the killer though. Y…

1 decade ago in Secure code?:

#MikeL - I've used flash for sound before in that exact fashion (and it�…

1 decade ago in Jetpack - Box2D Physics Demo:

Nice. Not sure if the low-ish frame-rate is because of box2d or just a random t…

1 decade ago in Archibald's - WIP:

Not a bad start - the jumping physics need some tweaking, and you already menti…

1 decade ago in Wish I could try out Impact before I buy it:

You are getting this a LOT aren't you dominic? ;) My suggestion: do som…

1 decade ago in Secure code?:

@MikeL the problem with that is that you are sending the key to the (hackable) …

1 decade ago in Secure code?:

Yes - to be clear I was less talking about viewing the source and more about as…

1 decade ago in Secure code?:

Has anyone given any thought of how to keep your game reasonably hard to hack w…

1 decade ago in Entity Drawing Limitations?:

I just learned about nocache... so you're correct ;)

1 decade ago in Titanium Integration:

Did you have to do much boilerplate for Titanium? Now that it no longer uses th…

1 decade ago in Packaging:

Adobe AIR is one method too... though not quite as DRM friendly.

1 decade ago in **ck off scammer:

Frankly the original poster is a complete idiot, and I'd bet he's sti…

1 decade ago in Isometric supported? Hex tiles?:

Are Isometric tilesets/games supported with Impact? This is likely to be mos…