
18 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Help with collisions:

I have 3 Entities, lets call them A, B, C. I want that entities A, B collide…

1 decade ago in Pixel Race Game:

Nice, how did you achieve the perspective?

1 decade ago in Changing font properties on 1 instance change all.:

Hi. I'm working on animated messages for combos in my game. The idea is w…

1 decade ago in Idea on how to implement "Combo":

I think I got it. Doing a counter that's reset after a timer of 0.5 and af…

1 decade ago in Idea on how to implement "Combo":

Hi there. I'm making a breakout clone and want to add combos, in the wa…

1 decade ago in Collision confusion.:

Done... I put the brick in collides PASSIVE here is the outcome…

1 decade ago in Collision confusion.:

Doing some animations for my breakout bricks... the thing is that when I introd…

1 decade ago in [WIP] Karmanoid (Breakout clone):

This is my first Impact game. Karmanoid. The plan is to make Breakout clone t…

1 decade ago in Sound only playing once on Chrome.:

@SlotGamer you can see it here […

1 decade ago in Sound only playing once on Chrome.:

Not right now. Have to put finishing touches and then I will see to put it onli…

1 decade ago in Sound only playing once on Chrome.:

@SlotGamer: the log says nothing :P

1 decade ago in Sound only playing once on Chrome.:

OS: OSX 10.9.1 Chrome v31.0.1650.63 Sound plays only the first time. Tes…

1 decade ago in Sound not found, after played once:


1 decade ago in Strange bug with collisions:

@drhayes: Thanks for your tips. The problem was minBounceVelocity, cause vel…

1 decade ago in Strange bug with collisions:

Wanted to make a note that it's not happening all the time, if I move the …

1 decade ago in Improvements to Impact:

I would like to see the UI/Menu System and the GameScene/State Engine, those ar…

1 decade ago in Strange bug with collisions:

I'm working on a breakout clone to get to know impactjs. So far so good. …

1 decade ago in [TechDemo++ CrossCode - Throwing energy balls with SOUND AND MUSIC:

This is awesome, really!