
26 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Sprite Editor?:

Here are two that I have used. Both support sprite sheets, animation and onion…

1 decade ago in Edit/Play:

If you want an EDIT/PLAY button in the corner of the screen that toggles betwee…

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

Here's a simple A* path finder for impact. It is pretty fast, but you sti…

1 decade ago in New Director/Level Manager Module:

Transitions would be awesome.

1 decade ago in Crushing:

Thanks that seems to work great. I didn't realize that collideWith was ca…

1 decade ago in Crushing:

I'd like to detect when an entity is being crushed between a moving platfo…

1 decade ago in Crouching - this.size.y:

The origin of an entity is the top-left. You probably need to move the entity …

1 decade ago in Baking in Mac OS X, permission denied:

You shouldn't have to run it as root (via su or sudo). It is more likely …

1 decade ago in NodeJS + Impact:

Works great. Thanks for making this! Looking over the code it seems like I …

1 decade ago in Suspend/Resume ImpactJS on blur/focus:

Thanks for this. I also recommend adding;# and…

1 decade ago in Bug report: entity update/draw loops:

Thanks! #loadLevelDeferred# works perfectly!

1 decade ago in Bug report: entity update/draw loops:

If you call this.kill() from inside an entity's update() function, then th…

1 decade ago in Sloped Tiles:

Here is some Flixel code for sloped tiles that might be helpful: https://git…

1 decade ago in Z-Type - Mozilla Game On:

Best typing tutor ever!

1 decade ago in Extending entities:

Try removing the "ig." like this: ## EntityGhostBlue = EntityGhos…

1 decade ago in Ideas for Weltmeister?:

After using Weltmeister for a few days now my #1 request is a Fill tool. Manua…

1 decade ago in Getting handle on Map:

You should probably make a trigger entity similar to the one at the end of this…

1 decade ago in Death Animations:

Nice. You could also use an ig.Timer.

1 decade ago in Death Animations:

I recommend spawning a separate entity that displays the death animation. That…

1 decade ago in Foreground Tiles:

See this thread:

1 decade ago in Ideas for Weltmeister?:

Some map editors let you pick a rectangular region of the map itself, or of the…

1 decade ago in Entity appearance in Weltmeister:

If I have multiple types of entities that share the same animation sheet, then …

1 decade ago in Foreground layers:

Thanks! I'll use this subclass instead so that my customization is kept …

1 decade ago in Trial version?:

I was concerned about this too, so I played through Biolab, then read the docs …

1 decade ago in Foreground layers:

It would be great to be able to put layers in front of the entity layer. This …

1 decade ago in Ideas for Weltmeister?:

I would love it if Weltmeiser worked on the iPad. It mostly works already. I …