
Defined in Module impact.entity, inherits from ig.Class


// Create your own entity, subclassed from ig.Enitity
EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend({

	// Set some of the properties
	collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE,
	type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A,
	checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.B,

	size: {x: 16, y: 16},
	health: 50,
	// Load an animation sheet
	animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/player.png', 16, 16 ),
	init: function( x, y, settings ) {
		// Add animations for the animation sheet
		this.addAnim( 'idle', 0.1, [0,1,2] );
		this.addAnim( 'jump', 0.1, [3,4,5] );
		// Call the parent constructor
		this.parent( x, y, settings );
	update: function() {
		// This method is called for every frame on each entity.
		// React to input, or compute the entity's AI here.
		if( ig.input.pressed('jump') ) {
			this.vel.y = -100;
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.jump.rewind();
		// Call the parent update() method to move the entity
		// according to its physics


Interactive objects in the game world are typically subclassed from this base entity class. It provides animation, drawing and basic physics. Subclassing your entities from ig.Entity ensures that it can be added to the game world, react to the collision map and other entities and that it can be used in Weltmeister.

All of the methods listed here can be overwritten in your subclass and called with this.parent() if needed.


new ig.Entity( x, y, settings )

Typically, you should create your entities through the ig.Game's spawnEntity() method, which creates the entity and adds it to the game world.
The settings object overwrites the properties for this one particular entity. E.g.:

var settings = {health: 100, vel: {x: 200, y: 100}};
var myEnt = new EntityMyEntityClass( 0, 0, settings );

Weltmeister makes use of the settings object, to store additional settings for each entity.


.accel.x, .accel.y

Current acceleration to be added to the entity's velocity per second. E.g. an entity with a .vel.x of 0 and .accel.x of 10 will have a .vel.x of 100 ten seconds later.


An instance of AnimationSheet, used by the entity's .addAnim() method.


An object holding all the entity's animations, created through .addAnim(). E.g.:

this.addAnim( 'run', 0.1, [0,1,2] );
this.currentAnim =;


A factor, indicating with which force the entity will bounce back after a collision. With a .bounciness set to 1, the entity will bounce back with the same speed it has hit the other entity/collision map. Default 0.


One of

See the documentation for the .type property.

The default is NONE.


One of

This property determines how the entity collides with other entities. Note that this is independent from the collision against a collision map.

In ACTIVE vs. LITE or FIXED vs. any collisions, only the weak entity moves, while the other one stays fixed. In ACTIVE vs. ACTIVE and ACTIVE vs. PASSIVE collisions, both entities are moved. LITE or PASSIVE entities don't collide with other LITE or PASSIVE entities at all.

The behavior for FIXED vs. FIXED collisions is undefined.

Typically, entities that are unimportant for the game itself, such as particles, should collide LITE or NEVER. Moving platforms should collide FIXED, to be unaffected by the other entity's movement.

Read more in the Collision Tutorial.


An instance of ig.Animation that will be drawn by the entity's .draw() method, or null if no animation has been defined yet.

.friction.x, .friction.y

Deceleration to be subtracted from the entity's velocity per second. Only applies if .accel.* is 0.


How much this entity is affected by the gravity set in the game class. A .gravityFactor of 0 will make the entity float, no matter what the game's gravity is set to. The default is 1.


Health for this entity. An entity's health is typically decreased through the .receiveDamage() method. If the health reaches 0, the entity's .kill() method is called, removing the entity from the game world.


An integer representing a unique ID for this entity. This ID is set by the entity's .init() method.

Note that the .id of an entity might be different on each level load.

.last.x, .last.y

The entity's position in the last frame (before .update() is called). This is used for the entity vs. entity collision response.

.maxVel.x, .maxVel.y

Maximum velocity. The entity's speed will be capped at these values.

The default is 100.


If the entity's velocity is below this threshold, it won't bounce back. This is needed so an entity can come to a complete rest, instead of bouncing back with a tiny velocity. Default 40.


Specifies the name of the entity, to be retrieved by the Game's getEntityByName() method. This should be set through the constructor or in Weltmeister with the key/value pair and should be unique per level.

The default is null (no name).

.offset.x, .offset.y

Drawing offset for this entity's animations. E.g. If your entity's collision box (.size.x, .size.y) is 8 pixels wide, but your animations frame size is 16 pixels wide, you specify an .offset.x of 4, to shift the collision box 4 pixels to the right, to center it on the animation frame.

.pos.x, .pos.y

The entity's position in the game world.

.size.x, .size.y

The entity's size in pixels. This is used for collision detection and response.
The default x and y size is 16.


Boolean, stating if the entity is resting on the ground (y axis).


New in 1.19

An object defining at which slope angle the .standing property is still set. The default is

slopeStanding: {min: (44).toRad(), max: (136).toRad() }


One of

Through the .type property, entities can be organized into one of two groups (or none). This is useful in conjunction with the .checkAgainst property.

When two entities are overlapping and the .checkAgainst property of one entity matches the .type of the other one, the former entity's .check() method is called with the latter entity as the parameter.

You can, for instance, give all friendly entities the .type A, and set up all hostile entities to .checkAgainst A. In the .check() method of the hostile entity you can then give the friendly entity damage.

The default is NONE.

.vel.x, vel.y

Current velocity in pixels per second.


Drawing order. Entities with a higher .zIndex will get drawn last. Note that entities are, by default, only sorted once after level load (ig.Game`s .loadLevel()). If you spawn entities after that, they will be appended at the end of the games .entities array and thus drawn last. Call ig.Game's .sortEntitiesDeferred() to re-sort them. E.g.:

// Spawn 50 "particle" entities. Set a negative zIndex, so they will 
// be drawn first and occluded by all other entities
for( var i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) {
	var e = EntityMyParticle, x, y );
	e.zIndex = -10;

// Re-sort Entities;


Whether the entity's .size can be changed in Weltmeister. The default is false.


If true, this entity will not show up in the entity menu in Weltmeister. The default is false.


Whether Weltmeister should draw a box for this entity. This is useful for entities that are invisible in the game. The default is false.


When ._wmDrawBox is true, this property specifies the color of the box that will be drawn in Weltmeister. Use a CSS-String such as '#ff00ff' or 'rgba(255,0,255,0.5)'.


.addAnim( name, frameTime, sequence, [stop] )

Specify an animation for the entity's .animSheet. This method is essentially a shorthand for the Animation constructor.

If the entities .currentAnim is null, the newly created Animation is set as the .currentAnim.

You can access an Animation created with this method through the .anims property. E.g.:

this.addAnim( 'run', 0.1, [0,1,2,3,4] ); = true;

.angleTo( other )

Return the angle from this entity's center to the other entity's center.

.check( other )

This method is called if this entity overlaps with another entity and the other's entity .type matches this entity's .checkAgainst property. The other parameter is the entity instance for the overlapping entity.

.collideWith( other, axis )

This method is called when this entity collides with another entity, handed over in the other parameter. axis is the collision axis: either 'x' or 'y'.


Automatically called by the Game for each frame. Draws the current animation.

.distanceTo( other )

Returns the absolute distance in pixels from this entity's center to the other entity's center.

.handleMovementTrace( res )

The default .update() method of an entity does a movement trace against the CollisionMap. The .handleMovementTrace() method receives the result of this trace and acts accordingly. Refer to the CollisionMap's trace() method for a description of the res argument.

You can overwrite this method to opt out of collision or create some additional behavior.

If, for instance, you want to play a sound when your player entity hits the floor with a certain speed, you can overwrite .handleMovementTrace() and check for collision and speed.

EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend({


handleMovementTrace: function( res ) {
	if( res.collision.y && this.vel.y > 32 ) {;

	// Continue resolving the collision as normal




Removes the entity from the game world. This method is called by .receiveDamage() if the entity's health is 0 or less.


New in 1.19

This function is called once after a level was completely loaded and all entities are present. Use it to initialize connections between entities and such. The default implementation of this function does nothing.

.reset(x, y, settings)

New in 1.23

This method is called in exchange for .init() when the Entity is revived from a pool, instead of newly created. Pooling has to be explicitly enabled. See the Entity Pooling Article.

The default implementation for .reset() sets the .pos.x and .pos.y properties to the given x and y, merges the settings into itself and resets the following properties to the Entity's defaults:

.vel.x, .vel.y, .accel.x, .accel.y, .health, .standing, .type, .checkAgainst, .collides

.receiveDamage( amount, from )

Substracts amount from the entities .health and calls .kill() if the entities new health is below or equal to 0.

This function should be called with the damage giving entity as the from parameter. This parameter, however, is currently not used.

.touches( other )

Returns true if this entity touches the other entity, otherwise false.


This method is called each frame by the Game before drawing. The base entity's .update() method moves the entity according to it's velocity, friction, bounciness etc. and updates the current animation. This is the place to add your own logic for this entity. If you overwrite this method, you can still call the base entity's .update() method with this.parent(). See the Synopsis for an example.