
57 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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9 years ago in Impact++?:

I've had and been dabbling with ImpactJS since it's beginning and jus…

1 decade ago in can we do bike race with impactjs plugin box2d?:

Are you talking about creating the levels for a game, or the actual bikes thems…

1 decade ago in Snap entity to tile:

No problem, ^^

1 decade ago in Snap entity to tile:

It can be done by calculating the mouse's position and rounding it to the …

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Yup, that did it - makes no sense to me though, cuz you shouldn't be repla…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Ill have to try that out in the morning. It makes very little sense to me that …

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Doesn't work - 6 is the tile number thats in the map data, so using a 5 wo…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

...and this doesn't work either, >.< ## ig.module( 'ga…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Here's the code from the new project... ## ig.module( '…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Just tried it on a new project, with nothing but my animation code, loading a l…

1 decade ago in 1 item added, init called 3 times?:

that weirded me out for a second cuz my name's Cory, lol - didn't rea…

1 decade ago in 1 item added, init called 3 times?:

I was having a similar problem in the past. Never quite figured out the exact r…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

I'm going insane trying to get this to work now, >.< I'm not…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Ok, doing a little more testing today on this issue; I've checked…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

thats what's going on, but still nothing.

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

eh, still no luck. This is really weird, I'm not getting any errors, ever…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

Yeah, I've got that disabled - and I've double checked it 5 or 6 time…

1 decade ago in backgroundAnims not working... not sure what's wrong...:

I've never really dabbled in backgroundAnims, and I've read all of th…

1 decade ago in Why did you decide to start making a game?:

I got into game programming after playing a few RPGs when I was younger, most-n…

1 decade ago in How old is everyone here?:

25, male - been an employed web designer for 8 years, and a game programming ho…

1 decade ago in I made a new animation, but I can't seem to get it to work.:

""_Quote from Joncom_ It might work doing it the way you are, but so…

1 decade ago in Resizing browser window:

Has anyone looked into html5's fullscreen capability? Apparently it is des…

1 decade ago in I made a new animation, but I can't seem to get it to work.:

Oh I see, you're basing the animations on the velocity. You would need to …

1 decade ago in Animated Water Alternatives:

Well I'm hoping to, after initial release and a moderate playerbase has be…

1 decade ago in Impact's Font Tool:

I love this tool as well, I just really wish it had the ability to use the font…

1 decade ago in Impact 2.0 release date?:

wait... is node being 'fully' supported by 2.0? I am completely out o…

1 decade ago in Animated Water Alternatives:

For a top-down game, in the style of classic Zelda: A Link to the Past, or clas…

1 decade ago in I made a new animation, but I can't seem to get it to work.:

you need to add the line of code telling the entity to play the animation. #…

1 decade ago in Impact GUI:

Its able to separate it by the tile setting. The tilesize dictates how big each…

1 decade ago in Impact GUI:

Ah, found the problem - it was in MY gui.js, a feature I was experimenting with…