
71 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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10 years ago in Potential performance improvement? image-rendering: pixelated;:

@dsims unfortunately I think this is still only Chrome Canary, so not so much s…

10 years ago in How to security in impact "":

This is not an easy question to answer, a lot of it has to do with your underst…

1 decade ago in distribution and licensing:

I guess it depends on how the contract was setup? Did you just use your pers…

1 decade ago in Impact Box2D Sugar + impact++:

Since Impact++ is a third party plugin, I would suggest checking in on any offi…

1 decade ago in suggestion: version number on

Guys, I said it 2 years ago above, I'll say it again. It's on your…

1 decade ago in CocoonJS and PreRending Levels:

So, #.preRendering# will require more memory, but will improve rendering perfor…

1 decade ago in Load modules dinamically:

I really only address nulling out level data and assets. These are actually hug…

1 decade ago in Load modules dinamically:

I have a solution in my project that has worked very well, however the downside…

1 decade ago in Baking results in error:

Try running the file through a js beautifier (to turn it into a nicely indented…

1 decade ago in Improvements to Impact:

@FragOnly: Entity layers are possible with my layers plugin:…

1 decade ago in Long running tasks:

Currently web workers are not implemented in Ejecta, I believe because they are…

1 decade ago in Modified Animation.js to create AnimationSheets from multiple images:

First off, in your code snippet, there's potential bug. The line: ## th…

1 decade ago in Handling Large SpriteSheets on Mobile Devices:

Is it modified using the #Class.inject# method? If so, then it should be fine. …

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

Another point against using eval inside a closure you lose a lot of pre-allocat…

1 decade ago in _rscreen offset for drawing?:

No worries, just trying to help out where I can :)

1 decade ago in _rscreen offset for drawing?:

This thread is a bit confusing, so forgive me if I am just reiterating things, …

1 decade ago in Impact 2.x Feature Requests:

Silent: To 'erase' you can also just press spacebar and click anywher…

1 decade ago in Improvements to Impact:

Some of these I agree with, however I think 2 in particular would be a major ch…

1 decade ago in Debug missing?:

It should be in ./lib/impact/debug?

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

So here's the thing. I obviously can't speak for Dom, but I have t…

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

Also, thinking about your method a bit more, you would destroy any dependency o…

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

Yeah, I personally usually avoid inheritance altogether, especially in the case…

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

Interesting idea using eval, however I assume you'd absolutely destroy the…

1 decade ago in Ejecta Error:

Assuming you created an App folder inside the Ejecta project that contains impa…

1 decade ago in How to stop impact from downloading sound assets on mobile devices?:

Just check if is true and don't load the sound files.

1 decade ago in Layers.js Plugin:

Yes, background animations should work as normal (by normal I mean how it was d…

1 decade ago in Ejecta: Creating resources for several iOS devices:

DavidH: Images use @2x based on pixel density, not window size. You can read…

1 decade ago in Layers.js Plugin:

Layers.js is now officially a project with documentation. The new update lin…

1 decade ago in Impact Engine vs Retina-caliper Graphics:

Depends on the type of graphics you are going for. If you are going for more pi…

1 decade ago in Layers.js Plugin:

So the name is tentative, the code is definitely a first pass, but I am present…