
54 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Rock, Paper, Shotgun + Rezzed hour Game Jam.:

Hey I was in the RPS game jam at the rezzed expo this weekend. We had an hou…

1 decade ago in My #Molyjam game code:

The game jam was 48 hours, but I organised our local one so had a lot less time…

1 decade ago in My #Molyjam game code:

Hey guys I finally just got round to sticking the game I made for the What W…

1 decade ago in Another tween plugin:

Hey guys I have added my tween plugin to Github,…

1 decade ago in Displaying game FPS on screen:

# var x = ig.system.width/2, y = ig.system.height/2; # This gets the mid-p…

1 decade ago in Potential for use of ended callback function in Sound Entity:

Yup, why not. I'm all up for having more callbacks on things. There seem t…

1 decade ago in JRPG battle engine demo:

Thanks for the feedback Jackolantern. To be honest, the new timers were the si…

1 decade ago in Moving my game from local to live, could use some help:

This is pretty neat! Very impressed with some of the functions, I wasnt expecti…

1 decade ago in Displaying game FPS on screen:

Thanks Graphikos, glad my plugin can still be of some use :) Instructions of…

1 decade ago in Performance at higher resolutions:

That's super useful, thanks! I never thought about the pre-render stuff. …

1 decade ago in Performance at higher resolutions:

Thanks Graphikos. I presumed that a larger canvas will affect draw time. I s…

1 decade ago in Performance at higher resolutions:

Hi there It seems the default res for Impact games is 240x160? I'm thin…

1 decade ago in JRPG battle engine demo:

Another video! This time with …

1 decade ago in JRPG battle engine demo:

Thanks! Yeah, the tween plugin allows you to set animations for each phase, my…

1 decade ago in JRPG battle engine demo:

Hey guys Just thought I'd post a quick video of the jrpg engine i'…

1 decade ago in Lostcast Episode 14 - An Interview with Dominic!:

Listening now. Interested to hear about 2.0.

1 decade ago in Game Dev News, a thing I built to discover interesting game articles!:

The voting should help with that. If you see a duplicate, don't vote on it…

1 decade ago in Game Dev News, a thing I built to discover interesting game articles!:

ahahahaha, what a muppet I am! Here you go:

1 decade ago in Game Dev News, a thing I built to discover interesting game articles!:

Hey guys Just thought you all might like to know about a site I knocked up l…

1 decade ago in Parallax Code?:

You should just be able to set the 'distance' parameter in weltmeiste…

1 decade ago in Bugtracker?!?!:

+1 For github, even if there is no code on there. Definitely simpler and easier…

1 decade ago in What would Molydeux - Attached To Verticals:

Creature! hahahaha! excellent, it's actually meant to just be a stick man …

1 decade ago in What would Molydeux - Attached To Verticals:

Hey Hosted a venue for the What Would Molydeux worldwide game jam this weeke…

1 decade ago in Controlling HTML with Impact code:

Looks like you need something like # var element = ig.$( selector ); # …

1 decade ago in Develop conference, UK:

Hey If anyone is going to this next week and wants to hook up for a drink an…

1 decade ago in iOS/JS bridge:

From the isogengic engine guy, may be worth keeping an eye on in future: htt…

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

aaah, nice! I didn't actually have time to check out your code last night,…

1 decade ago in A* Path Finder:

Nice, i'm going to optimise my code soon so that it will be able to ignore…

1 decade ago in Video of converting photos to levels for impactjs:

Pretty neat!

1 decade ago in Beating 60fps in Javascript:

Yup, interesting read. Let us know how you get on if you ever have a go at t…