
33 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

9 years ago in Game scraps for learning:

Its set up so that maybe that can be introduced in the future. Keep in mind, th…

9 years ago in Game scraps for learning:

Hey all. I have a game that I had worked on a few years ago but development …

1 decade ago in Klax - Score Attack:

nice game!

1 decade ago in Protect the Football (by space150 & Buffalo Wild Wings):

great design. Glad to see a good brand name supporting ImpactJS!

1 decade ago in Entity zIndex with Layer zIndex:

There is also some methodology in this post as well.…

1 decade ago in Deferred loading of media:

I'm not entirely sure but maybe you'll be better off using different …

1 decade ago in Flysucker - WIP:

very cool. I think i'm watching it on Github. The sequence does look a lit…

1 decade ago in considering buying impact: some questions:

1) yes, version 2 is supposedly coming out in the coming months though nothing …

1 decade ago in Flysucker - WIP:

It could be Montreal -- I got it off from a royalty free site. Future plans…

1 decade ago in Flysucker - WIP:


1 decade ago in Flysucker - WIP:

Feedback welcomed. A heads up : I havent been able to beat level 5..obvious…

1 decade ago in PizzaRun first game:

cool game. one comment is that you should bind the up/down keys so that acc…

1 decade ago in Any way to move level down without restarting?:

if you're doing this in weltmeister, you can select all of the tiles and p…

1 decade ago in how to adapte to screen size automaticlly to different device?:

Not sure if it helps but this bit did wonders for my game.. I have it right af…

1 decade ago in trying to create an auto word-wrapper plugin, line breaks not functioning properly:

Check out…

1 decade ago in Multiple Canvas troubles:

Sweet...the always-on-top trick worked! phew. no need for multiple canvases. …

1 decade ago in Multiple Canvas troubles:

Thanks for the information. I was able to get my above code working by changing…

1 decade ago in Multiple Canvas troubles:

Hello, I've run into an issue thats led me down the path of having multip…

1 decade ago in Impactjs for business. Could Impactjs be used to show the future?:

A business use that I will explore in the future is to make a visualization of …

1 decade ago in NYC / NJ ImpactJS Meetup?:

Anyone in the USA NYC/NJ area interested in having a meetup to talk about Impac…

1 decade ago in how to subclass an entity (not ig.Entity):

They would show up as EntityRobopenguin and not EntityEnemy. Can you confirm if…

1 decade ago in Weird issue - Bindind left mouse button in an iframe:

For posterities sake, the way I overcame this issue was as follows: in my ou…

1 decade ago in Per-Pixel Collision Detection Plugin:

Ran into some issues with just blindly returning true so I revamped this to inc…

1 decade ago in Per-Pixel Collision Detection Plugin:

This was also applying to Entitys that are not visual (trigger zones, etc) so i…

1 decade ago in Per-Pixel Collision Detection Plugin:

I'm having some problems using this code. After added the plugin to the di…

1 decade ago in Oblong Rectangular Tiles (non-square-tiles):

looks amazing. can't wait to see how this turns out.

1 decade ago in Zone entity mistriggering:

I think it may be because both are triggering at the same time and thus negatin…

1 decade ago in Zone entity mistriggering:

Hello, I'm working on a zone entity that I specify the type for in Welt…

1 decade ago in HUD:

Do you have any examples as to how this gets implemented? spawnEntity?

1 decade ago in top-down RPG mouse-click straightline movement:

This works rather well once it was able to be inserted in with the normal arrow…