
48 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in New to impact:

Definitely check out Jesse Freeman's stuff. It's a great start.

1 decade ago in Exe or what?:

This page has the full flow from start to windows 8 publishing. I believe he do…

1 decade ago in Oxygene:

Good luck! :D

1 decade ago in LightWave:

As always your graphic polish looks fantastic :) My only criticism for the g…

1 decade ago in SHMUP 02-2K13:

I was playing your updated version, and I wasn't having issues with the sh…

1 decade ago in Sarandonga - Squid me hard:

Same as drhayes.. I'm pretty awful at these games. But I do always love fa…

1 decade ago in A rhythm game:

14412 on the first go. I played in chrome as well. Very cool concept though,…

1 decade ago in Entity not being spawned where I tell it to:

Existing entities are wiped when load level is called. So, if you were calling …

1 decade ago in On game state change, menu background still drawing:

Definitely hard to do without code. However, one guess is that you may not be c…

1 decade ago in Friction in 1 direction:

That should work if you were to assign vel.x = 0 in your else statement for the…

1 decade ago in Howto request: Health Bar or Power bar/meter:

I was looking at the health bar code originally posted at the top, and noticed …

1 decade ago in Snow generator:

Looks good. Nice and simple :) One other thing you may be able to do to impr…

1 decade ago in Moving entities directly ( warping via position changes ):

I had been thinking that may help, but it seems that you already got there!

1 decade ago in Moving entities directly ( warping via position changes ):

Can you provide more detail on the collision issue you are seeing? And in what …

1 decade ago in Oxygene:

@fulvio That's pretty much how I would have planned to do it as well. T…

1 decade ago in RTS like screen scrolling:

Glad you got it working :) I like troubleshooting, and it gave me a reason to m…

1 decade ago in RTS like screen scrolling:

@Elvar, I totally forgot! I was using a plugin to simplify getting the map heig…

1 decade ago in Override parent inheritance:

Thanks quid! I felt like there was a better way out there, but I didn't kn…

1 decade ago in RTS like screen scrolling:

The second code snippet I posted was a bit from a game I had written where the …

1 decade ago in Override parent inheritance:

I haven't tried it, but you may be able to directly access in a manner sim…

1 decade ago in Loader gets stuck 40-50% of the time, not launching game:

I have seen this occurring intermittently on a few other games. Usually if I le…

1 decade ago in RTS like screen scrolling:

You can check the position of […

1 decade ago in Oxygene:

I was curious about how you did the floor-to-roof lasers. Are they a fixed …

1 decade ago in Dragon Plunder:

I played some of your game before, and really enjoyed the art and gameplay. Kee…

1 decade ago in Shopping around:

I'm still pretty new to Impact, but so far I've really enjoyed the fl…

1 decade ago in Adding Score to Pong:

I have not yet tried to write flaws into an AI yet but, like you said, it shoul…

1 decade ago in Override parent inheritance:

There are a couple points here. If you want to remove the parent functionality,…

1 decade ago in Oxygene:

Looks great! I was thinking of trying out something similar next month. So I ma…

1 decade ago in User input initials:

I am also a little confused by this. The second function you posted only seems …

1 decade ago in Customisable chat bubble entity:

Sounds handy! I had thought about creating something similar myself. I wish …