
21 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Professor Plum's Fruit Squash:

Seems interesting, but doesn't fit right on my screen.. My resolution is 1…

1 decade ago in P-Shooter - Top down arcade shoot-em-up:

The controls had me for a bit. I kept thinking "UP" was forward, but …

1 decade ago in My new demo game "JailCat Jimmy":

It was fun until I jumped off the level in the first level! and then I got stuc…

1 decade ago in Game Ideas:

I have many different ways..sometimes I drive to "clear my head" othe…

1 decade ago in Coco Loco!:

I definitely did not read the initial how to, but it was pretty easy to figure …

1 decade ago in Captain Rogers:

I would kind of like the ability to speed up a little, but it plays well.

1 decade ago in Portals in Impact:

the demo in the first post got a little glitchy on me for a bit, but I think th…

1 decade ago in Game Ideas:

Open Ended Question... Do you have a "creative process?" How do yo…

1 decade ago in Walk This Way (May #1GAM entry):

I kept having the problem where I'd jump up, and like his little pinkie to…

1 decade ago in Digga:

I like what I see here! Nice job!

1 decade ago in Gravity:

I got to level 3 and that was it.. I had to restart at least 100 times just to …

1 decade ago in Gravity:

I like the concept, but it's rather challenging while drinking... I'l…

1 decade ago in The Labyrinth:

I was playing again, and managed to get the ball stuck.. :( I don't know w…

1 decade ago in Parkour:

I played for a bit... then read there was an end, so I had to get to the end! h…

1 decade ago in The Labyrinth:

I didn't realize you could jump at first. I thought you had to get a ball …

1 decade ago in #1Gam February - Super Jetroid:

I like it, but would have loved a few weapons!! :D

1 decade ago in Super Resident Raver:

I like the game, but I had a couple of problems with moving the character aroun…

1 decade ago in Cave Rush 2600:

Interesting concept.. Definitely challenging.

1 decade ago in Tank and Shoot Game -- and source:

I've made some updates since the original post.. I've added a diff…

1 decade ago in BLOB, my Ludum Dare #26-entry:

I like the concept. A challenging, yet fun game. Nice work!

1 decade ago in Tank and Shoot Game -- and source:

[ Play Tank and Shoot] {http://theyconfus…